Are we here to glorify some god ? I think we exist just to continue the human species, we have the same mandate from Nature as the viruses , ants , plants and all other animals, we are no different.
I gave up asking the "why" question a long time ago. This quote about sums up my feelings:
"Perhaps I'm old and tired, but I think that the chances of finding out what's actually going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say, "Hang the sense of it," and keep yourself busy. I'd much rather be happy than right any day." -Slartibartfast, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
I would take it a step further and say we are here to improve human lives. This is more profound to me than anything taught in any religion.
This is the beauty of philosophy and the human condition. There is no objective answer. Why are we here? However you answer that question, is the reality you will live. You have to find your own answer.
????????????? Exactly so !!! Bravo !!!!!!
why, the cause: abiogenesis and evolution. for me personally, because my parents had sex.
why, the purpose: none.
tl/dr version: chemistry works.
Because primordial ooze had a random mutation which made it survive. The crazier part: I doubt it was just life and things got going. I'm sure "life" started many times and hit dead ends. A random life may not have had the ability to eat, or divide/reproduce. It's amazing, the seemingly random result of so many species and spectacular biodiversity. Some chain of life might have had the perfect setup to never have disease or be silicone based, and maybe a volcano erupted and killed all of that particular life.
You could go insane trying to find a reason for life, but it's as simple as surviving.
Because your real dad fucked your mom....
We are here to learn, grow, get smarter, stronger, wiser. In other words, to become all we can be or the best that we can be.
Humans are here solely because of the evolutionary processes that occurred millions, if not billions, of years ago. We are NOT the paramount of the evolutionary process, we are, in my opinion, little more than another experiment of nature just as are birds, animals, fishes, etc, etc, and the forces of nature in company with our misdeeds will decide whether or not we will continue to evolve or simply go the way of the dinosaurs eventually.
We are here so that the universe can know it exists.
For the nonbeliever, there can, of course, be no answer to this question. I like to fall back on the philosophy espoused by Neil Peart, my favorite drummer, who wrote:
"Why are we here?
Because we're here
Roll the bones
Why does it happen?
Because it happens
Roll the bones
Faith is cold as ice
Why are little ones born only to suffer
For the want of immunity
Or a bowl of rice?
Well, who would hold a price
On the heads of the innocent children
If there's some immortal power
To control the dice?"
Because your real dad screwed your mom.....