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Why are Christians being marginalized in America?

Why do they feel this way? Could it be true?

Depends on your perspective. From the Christian standpoint, the answer is probably yes.

Once upon a time, they had quite a hold on things, or at least it seemed so. There have always been non-believers, of course. Most of the time they kept their heads down, for fear of having them chopped off for heresy or burned at the stake for witchcraft or sorcery. To read the news, it would seem a good many Christians long for a return to those Glory days.

But they once actually we're marginalized, and to a fairly large extent. And they still are, just not in the way they claim. The industrial revolution started taking away jobs, and science began answering great questions. Religions began to falter, and no church likes a decline in revenue. So religious responded.

It's funny there is a Christian based book series called "Left Behind", because ultimately the story of Christian marginalization is one of them being left behind. There are many places you could start the story, but the place that impacts us the most began to take shape in the late 19th century to the early 20th.

It's called the "Latter Rain Movement", and it was the time when Christians stopped looking at the Bible as an example in ethics and morality, and began to look at is as the literal word of God, unerring, factual in all accounts.

We non-believers call this hogwash, of course, but it was how churches--little churches, mostly--began to recover from the loses of an era that was going to leave them behind, and they grew, and continue to grow, as a dominating force first in their local societies, and them in the arena of politics, be side the poorest and least educated among us didn't have the good sense to not be suckered in by charlatans.

They took the least educated among us, played on their fears, and used them to build empires. Radio and television expanded their audiences, especially as each of these technologies became affordable, or at least accessable, to the poor. Once upon a time in America, you didn't have to have much of an education to have a job that would feed your family--if you could do manual labor, that could be enough, especially with the help of your kids working too, who better served the family at work on a farm or factory instead of getting edumacated at skewl. At least until they took away those jobs from the kids with rules against child labor. And marginalized them.

And the pastor's, men who--if they didn't at first crave wealth--certainly acquired a taste for it, preyed upon these poor sheep. They fleeced them, milked them, in many cases phuqed them (at least the young pretty girls--it's okay, Gawd told them it was ordained), and built empires, which sadly gained a lot of influence with the new money they had. The roots of the mega-church of today is in the tent-revivals of yesteryear, but the Jerry Falwells of radio were at least smart enough to use the technology available, I can't take away credit for that. Sadly, they gained that power cleverly and stealthily.

And all around them, industry's machines stole the jobs of the manual laborer, and later computers brought efficiencies which took the jobs of even a high-school educated person. And marginalized them even more. It continues now, soon driverless cars will take, they say, up to 20% of the current jobs from collar jobs everywhere are disappearing. Jobs that didn't require too much of an education. Jobs that Christians could and did take because it didn't require a degree that they'd never get with their home-skewl education.

And thus Christians are being left further behind all the time. Now, nevermind that so are non-Christians. And nevermind that most Americans today wouldn't work the fields of crops that as yet can't be machined, and these jobs go to not illegals (well not much anymore) but instead foreigners here on work visas, which the government provides because the farmers can demonstrate a need they can't get filled with Americans. Now, nevermind the facts, Christians have been marginalized.

And nevermind that prayers in school are still allowed (just not allowed to be required) and that freedom of worship is as strong as it ever was. Even putting "Under God" into the Pledge of Alligiance isn't sufficient, they've been marginalized. Ask them. They will tell you so.

The fact is, from the perspective of someone indoctrinated from a young age into the belief system, told what to think, discouraged from thinking about things their parents and pulpiteers would rather they not think about, they've been marginalized. They say so because that's all they know. Very few of them ever get out from under that kind of thumb.

And now they have the ears and the tongues of an entire political party.

They place blame on anyone and everything around them that isn't like them, because immigrants come here and do better than they are doing (because immigrants value hard work and education as part of the American Dream). Marginalizing them. Before the immigrants, it was the blacks. Don't even get me started on the blame black people have suffered. That's an entire issue on it's own.

And they give their money to the mega-churches who keep promising them a better tomorrow, if they just weren't being marginalized. And there are enough of them poor marginalized Christians that those leaders in the Mega-churches have an awful lot of money, and they got wise and started spending it into the political system.

Spending a lot of it in fact. Don't doubt that you can buy a vote--you can, with enough money--and don't fool yourself into thinking these professed "family values" politicians are any better than the leaders of the churches that pay them big bucks (all through shell companies and other legal skirt-arounds to rules against such things.)

There's a reason Republicans keep getting caught in social scandals and keep asking for -- and receiving -- forgiveness from God. They don't give a damn about God, and as long as they profess that they will ensure Christians that they will save them from marginalization, they shall be saved, or at least they will remain in office.

We hear how they are marginalized because they have the Republican party in their pocket, frankly. The Republicans, by and large, brought it on themselves when they started accepting their money in large quantities back in the 70's (Barry Goldwater warned of the dangers, no one listened).

And with the tea-party takeover in the early 2000's, it backfired on them, and it now threatens their party's entire structure, especially when Trump played to their fears as well as any televangelist and gained the presidency. Trump doesn't give a flying hoot about Christians. Neither did most of the Republican leadership. But most of the old-time Republicans are leaving, if they haven't already. Now the Republicans in power believe their own lies, and by God--they've been marginalized.

These are terribly dangerous times for America.

Because you know who else rose to by power blaming everyone else for the marginalization of their group? Hitler. It didn't end well.

Getting left behind is a dangerous thing, but not for those that claim it's happening to them. It's dangerous to everyone else. I fear it's probably too late for America. Trump could very well be impeached by his own party, when it suits them to do so, if he lashes out against them (I actually believe he would, if it came down to it, much as I despise the man). Guess what kind of man Mike Pence is? Well, for one, he's a reformed gogo not at a gay club (or so indicate the pictures and stories at least). There is nothing worse than a closeted Christian man for putting on a righteous Christian showing.

The party that used to be for fiscal responsibility and small government and now of thoughts and prayers don't have a prayer left, the way things are going, and they brought it upon themselves, and it's going to wind up coming down on all of us. I'd advise to get active politically, but I think it's probably too late.

Because Christians have been marginalized too long.

And you know how stray dogs can get, when you've backed them into a corner.

ravnostic 6 Jan 30

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I hear a lot about the christian right on here. What of the black Baptist churches that were so prominent in the civil rights movement and Obama`s election?


Have you forgotten that the Puritans came here to escape religious persecution? And yet they repeated the behavior that they tried to escape - with the Salem Witch Trials, etc. Christianity has dominated this country for a long time simply because folks have been too afraid to be anything BUT Christian. Now that it feels more "safe" to believe different things, more people speak up about it.

Christians are not being marginalized. They are simply being asked to take a seat with the rest of the religions of the world. Science and law should govern our country. But Christians need to understand that just because they are no longer the majority religion in the USA does not mean that they are being oppressed. It just means they're down here in the dirt with the rest of us.

Welcome to the party.

They do not want to take a seat with the rest of the religious (especially with the nones). They want to dominate and are willing to follow anyone to gain that goal!

Christians are the majority religion in the US. By far.

The extremists make sure to spread the fear that sharing faith space means the fall of man.

"Irony' is not a concept that members of either Christianity or Islamic
faiths are good at grasping - it's more like a slippery eel for them.


The book says true Chrsitians must be marginalized. So they must find a way to depict themselves as such, no matter what is actually happening.

It has been said that when groups are small (as with the many sects) they seek to join together for power. Once they become large they seek independence because they want more control. All the break away movements (like Brexit) is a reflection of this.

@jackpedigo it's completely true. The oppressed who rise up and take control always become the next oppressors.

@ravnostic Look at Israel today. Abuse the gift that keeps on giving.

@VirginCotton What is going on all over Europe has the same root 'Excessive and forced immigration'. I was there when the Soviet Union was collapsing and experienced what happens when a government places outsiders ahead of it's own citizens. I keep on saying it is NOT about people but policies. Policies shape the society.


Interesting perspective. Here are some of the catch phrases the staunch fundamentalist evangelicals are using.

War on Christmas.

It's a culture war.

We're fighting a winnable war.

Manning the ramparts against evil.

The militancy of these phrases is unmistakable. The mindset is ... disturbing, and it is being fueled by television, radio, and film 'ministries' that long ago figured out how to play the system and particularly the tax code to fill the coffers while swelling the ranks with willing christian soldiers. I think our only hope may be a growing attrition rate without our becoming as militant as they are.

All hail the American Family Association, and don't forget to boycott Target, Starbucks, and anyone else who doesn't comply with our absolutist shield of moral codes. The atheists will burn in hell.

Aaannnd many of these who share this philosophy are the ones mewling about their gun rights...a dangerous combination...


The fact is that Christians are NOT being marginalized. They are being more aggressive in trying to comingle religion, politics, and overall social control. This aggressive lust for power and control was not evident during the 1940s through 60s and was not so prevalent in 1979 through 200. This push for theocratizing our society is evident and must be resisted!

There is a percentage of Christians that what you say is true, but it is probably less than 50%. you would be amazed at how many are Democrat, and others who don't give a damm. It is alway the extreme who's voice if heard.

@wordywalt True. But it won't be, nor has it been.

@leutrelle Also true, but evangelicals are giving till it hurts, and money talks in Washington.

@Leutrelle Because it is the "extreme" that the media reports on.


Christians view leveling the playing field with being oppressed. They see not having the right to trample on others rights as a violation of their rights, without any sense of irony. And I don't just mean the fundies. Even the moderates give complicit approval through their failures to condemn fundies and their insistence that we have to respect religious beliefs, even if we already know them to be garbage.

Totally true Xanthar. ...minimal xians rage against Atheists who want prEying to the flag stopped equally raging against fundies creationism. ...all ASSUME their Santa Claus is good for Jews in gas chambers ....all is forgiven in heaven and Billary is the only true xian woman for White House


In America just 30 years ago, pastors of all faiths preached private works of goodness, staying christian, and staying Out of politics. Then came Mccarthy-ism, adding " under gawd" to the pledge of allegiance (in the 50's...i was in school and remember tripping over the new phrase, and how many many people were upset by it being added). Then along with the idea of defeating " godless communism", which led directly to the Vietnam War, somebody noticed how much money you could get out of "believers", and it's been downhill ever since. My parents and grandparents, and yours, were raised on the strict interpretation of separation of church & state! It was taught in every classroom and butressed in churches........the dangers of a theocracy were clearly 3xplained. I find these times incredibly frightening on both a personal & national level.

Your dates are off but you general gist is correct.


Why do Christians think they are marginalized when their party is in control of both houses of Congress and their president is in the White House? Boggles the mind!

Because that's what Fox News tells them to think.

Because their religious leaders tell them so, and because the majority of them are poor and uneducated, and are giving money they don't have to a cause that will ultimately fail them. Problem being it will harm everyone, not just them.

Because they still are looking mighty stupid, Even their successes must be cleaned up afterwards. But with god involved, it is like the second coming, you will see, just do not give up, you will see and on and on for over 2000 years

Look at the target demographic is Fox.

The Old Fucks are scared that their ways will disappear due to technology. They are losing control of their children. They are scared that they will be treated like how they treated minorities and gay people.

It is not their fault entirely. They have had the cradle-to-grave brainwashing called "religion". They have been told to believe in someone thing since infancy, or they will burn in Hell for eternity.

There is no eternity though. Nothing last forever, even time.


What you say IS contributing to the "terrible time" in America. Unless we can get enough Americans to join this site and find out how to calm those fears mentioned above, it will indeed be a terrible time on the streets. Darwin Preserve us !

Won't happen, of course but I hear ya.

Trump has no religion. His is Donald Trump. He copies and pretends, which any idiot can see. But his bend-overs are religious dominionists.


The hypocrisy of the Christian believers makes a mockery of the Jesus story and the lessons its supposed to teach. Quakers, Shakers and Seventh Day Adventists come closest to the model Christian lifestyle, but are small in numbers, and mocked for their religious practice by the other Christian groups. They are the seeds of their own destruction.

Most common people just don't care about politics regardless of belief or party affiliation. The difference is Evangelicals give money anyway because their religious leaders tells them to, even when it hurts them. It's why they are winning in politics, it's why they will continue to win, and it's going to ruin the country. Sooner than later, it seems.


I thought this was a troll question until the very end ....all the verbiage ignores many facts of US HISTORY. ..from the point of view of the Anti-Mason Party, you had a point 180 years ago with the rise of Unitarians

Our founding fathers were Unitarian--some, anyway.


Why Should I Care?

That's the prevailing attitude that is a root cause of the problem. For starters you should care because you aren't very "white", and that's a problem with the party in power.

@ravnostic Nah, I am not scare of white as I am not scare of black. I am not Scared Period. You want revolution hit the fucking streets and stop posting memes... THAT IS WHAT WE FUCK DID IN 60'S AND 70'S. By the time I was 18 I had been tear gassed 3 times. Never been scared of god either. So I earned my Privilege of Not Giving A Fuck About Your Issues.

I would agree that you have. Say, how'd those protests turn out for you? Change the country much?

@ravnostic No... the Fucking americans are still in the island but to keep us quiet the island was 10 years ahead of the gringos in any type of drug consumption. There is no better way to calm a revolution than keep them busy with drugs. So you watch out with those opiates.


I like to think this political cartoon sums things up fairly nicely.


If Christianity, god forbid, is being marginalized, could it be because of more education and the Internet with its exposure to new ideas? Such as a distinct correlation between nonbelievers and economic prosperity, better health care and a good education? Just putting it out there...

That is exactly their fear. They are not being persecuted. They are being made gradually irrelevant.


Whoah dude! Verbosity sucks. Next!

They can't stand to admit that all those things are better without "god." It's their pacifier or some, it's their power/money.


It's difficult for most people to buy into any cult. Sure they may for awhile but when the rubber hits the road you are really going through the motions of "belief" to make yourself feel that you are not alone or that you are cared for and taken care of. That is probably a real human need for many. Also there is the 'community' of church that many need to be part of something.
It's not so much that they are being marginalized it is that they are more and more irrelevant. As are religions in general.


They aren't.


Because they are marginal at best

EMC2 Level 8 Jan 31, 2018

I howl with laughter at the Sarah Palins of the world who lament the imagined War On Christmas, saying that Christ needs to be put back in Christmas. With today's phony 'believers' she's getting the cart before the horse. They need to put Christ back in the Christians first.

I understand your words but Christ was never in Christmas. It's a shame to the believers to have put him there.


Hahahaha. There are so many versions of what we've come to call Christianity, but every time Conservatives are in office, some versions rear their controlling heads. Christianity would be fine if it stayed in churches where our Constitution put it. If you don't pray in our schools and government meetings, we won't think in your churches.


Umm... because they're generally condescending dicks?


The Scopes Monkey Trial was a turning point but Elmer Gantry & crew pushed back and we are right into it all over again.

everything old is new again, lolz.

Remember, the Scopes trial was set up to make a point because of fear of evolution. I read that Scopes wasn't even a science teacher. He just agreed to the farce.


This is pure gold!!!!


Weren't Christians feared because they enforced divine equality? "Turn the other cheek" did not mean "I am weak". It meant "slap my face on one side, and I will gladly turn my face to the other side so that you can strike me again". They challenged extreme feudal-classism. Women were also priestesses, equal to men who served.

What? Women priestess in the church? Waged on Feudalism?.. Women Equal to Men?..which book of fables did That come from?

These things were a very very long time ago and not terribly relevant to our current problems.

I see. Do not pay attention to real history to address today's concerns. How silly of me.

@jack-of-scythes And I quote from what I wrote: "There are many places you could start the story, but the place that impacts us the most began to take shape in the late 19th century to the early 20th." It's not that the history isn't relevant, it's just not relevant here, in the context of how science and the industrial revolution began changing things, particularly, and I picked a point to start from that has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with the fact of religion once being the provence of of women and the stories that relate to that in a far distant past that may have indeed shaped our society, but not recently,


I believe you started with your conclusion, and then backed it up. I see a self inflicted decline.

I started with a rhetorical question and brought up an overview of supporting points (by no means a complete story, I wasn't writing a book). The decline is evident in a more complete understanding of recent history, but there's no room for that here, there are plenty of more thorough books on the subject.


I think you are exactly correct. Christians have had the high ground for so long that they want to dominate to keep it. This also means lying and once you go into politics with it there is a point of no return.
I hope that it isn't too late and that many will vote in November. We do not need religion in politics at all.

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