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What was one of your most embarrassing moments?

Mine would have to have been when I left the women’s bathroom and didn’t realize my zipper was unzipped and was in the store for about 20 minutes before I realized it was even unzipped when a woman pulled me to the side to tell me about it.

EmeraldJewel 7 Jan 31

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Check out my post: 'Most embarrassing moment ever'


When I was 19ish, I threw a co-worker/friend under the bus to protect one that I was closer to.

She was standing right behind without my knowledge and quit. Threatened to come back and beat my ass etc. For years I saw her around town and she would make a point of refusing to acknowledge me.

It has been 35 years and I still feel bad about it but it has also kept me from doing it again


I was riding one of those steep body water slides, flying down the slide with my short riding up my butt crack super wedgie. When I stood up they were ripped up, my stuff out there for everyone.


Forgetting my lines in a play... I had a person behind the curtain to whisper them to


What was your initial reaction?


Getting caught having anal sex by my friend and I had dropped to say hello, she wasn't home and we were feeling the the rest you can can still see the look on my Moms face..lololol.


In my late teens I worked at Liberty Mutual in Boston. Had a crush on a pretty boy in the office.
This is so embarrassing I'm having a hard time getting it out. So we're looking for opportunity to make whoopie. Pretty boy says he has keys to a conference room. This was after closing. So off we go to the conference room and start getting all hot and bothered. Lights are off, shirt off, bra off. What's that?! Sounds like a key in the door. Sure as shit the light flicks on. I had time to crouch down and cover my boobs. The janitors face was priceless. He says "Oh, excuse me." And out he goes. Needless to say, we couldn't leave fast enough. FYI, I was a virgin and remained a virgin that day.


Biting my tongue and almost breaking down in tears after my childrens mother called into get child support after not allowing my children to call for 3 years.


When I worked for Qantas airlines in the call centre in Auckland. John Travolta is the "Ambassador at Large" for Qantas. One day he flew a Qantas 747 from LAX to Auckland, no one was told he was coming. That day he just appeared in our offices wearing his pilots uniform being escorted around by the head of Qantas in New Zealand.

At some point I got so excited, I was on the phone to this lady who wouldn't stop rambling on, and all I wanted to do was to meet John Travolta before he left. This lady was bla bla bla about going here and there and baggage and weather and whatever. So I said to hr in my ultra excited I have to get off the phone right now voice " I have to go can I call you back? John Travolta is here, he is here in his pilots uniform" She was saying what?Who? John Travolta and she was laughing, like whatever Sacha you freak.
In the end I said "Im sorry Mrs whoever John Travolta is here, I want to meet him he is here now and he is looking so sexy in his pilots uniform" and I hung up on her. Turned around, and there stood John Travolta right behind me laughing at me. I have never been so embarrassed, but I got a hug. Such were the days before a camera on your cellphone.

Sacha Level 7 Jan 31, 2018

thought I heard a customer in the shop. went in to serve, didn't see anyone, I farted, then some lady popped her head around the corner. I just left and got someone else to serve


Awoken in the middle of the night after too much to drink by an urge to release some, I mistook the washer for the toilet. It had a lid.

jeffy Level 7 Jan 31, 2018

Oh, good that someone did. Why is it that we're shy to point out things like that. E.g. "you're fly's undone", "there's something stuck between your teeth.", etc.

For me...running onto the footy field with my shorts inside out. It's flag footy and the velcro needs to be outside. Had to change in view of everyone. It's a mixed league of both men and women players. Has happened several times.


Previous post but don't remember my answer so try to come up with new one. When I was 21 and traveling around Israel I spent the night at a friend's family home in a bed with 3 other people fully clothed-it was cold in winter and they have no heat over there. There were 10 adults in the family and the mother who I didn't know walked in when I awoke in the am.


I was enjoying some sexual activity with my GF in my back bedroom prior to expecting my mom, dad, sister and brother-in-law to arrive in a few hours. My sexual encounters are usually pretty vocal at times. After finishing our pleasures, I got up and walked into the living room, completely naked, to find them sitting quietly waiting.


I was a sales associate at Sears and a gentleman came in to buy a air purifier. I asked him was it for allergies and he said no, his wife smoked and he needed to get the smell out of the house. I replied the only way to get the smoke smell out of your house is too get rid of your wife. He started to tear up and said his wife had died the week before and he was trying to sell his house so he could move closer to his children. It made me cry and I suggested someone to come in and clean the house, curtains and upholstery, but not an air purifier. My bad!


I sharted in while not at home alone once. There really is an upside to constipation. heh heh


Oh! I ain't EVEN going there !!!! Nope wild horses will not drag it outta me. but thanks for asking.


being caught by my mother-in-law spanking the monkey

LOL oh my! Thats worse than your mother! haha

my mum would have just called me a dirty little wanker. my mother in law pretended she never sore me, never mentioned it ever and never stayed at our house ever again lol.

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