I think of myself as a pretty strong person, but lately I have felt like I need a really good cry. I start getting weepy listening to the news, watching a romantic movie, videos of animals, ridiculous stuff .....I keep fighting it because I hate feeling weak. I don’t think crying is a weakness in anyone else but for some reason it is for me. ?
I walked into a dockland bar. On the TV was the movie "The Champ", it was the end scene. At the edge of the bar was a huge guy with tears running unabashed down his face. Nobody dared say a word, for when the man kicked off, it took 6 policemen to restrain him.
I cry at Rocky movies.
It's a ridiculous social stigma for men to cry and even for women these days, but I find that It's one of the healthier ways of dealing with stress. I feel embarrassed for nothing when I cry because of my indoctrination as we've all been. It has nothing to do with one's strength. Feel good and let it out.
Neither/either...i cry when I am sad, I cry when I am Extremely Angry, i have cried with happiness a few times too. What does it have to do with "strength or weakness"?????
Not a damn thing. It's the most liberating feeling... I don't know if liberating is the best word but whenever I cry it feels like I've freed myself from the thing that has been welling up in me.
I would never classify crying as a weakness! Tears even expel toxins. I have always felt better after a good cry! Crying does indicate a certain vulnerability, but that does not zap our power! But, like most emotions, I guess we could sometimes use tears. Inappropriately. But, what you described is nature’s way of giving you relief from things that are hurting you!
It's an indicator of feeling deeply, often from things that the rest of the world is numb to.
I don't like to cry in public, however I don't view crying as a weakness. Maybe it's because I don't like a lot of attention? I do like to watch a good crying movie once in a while to relieve stress or built-up emotion. I always feel better after.
It could be anything from a hormonal imbalance to your subconscious forcing you to deal with some unresolved grief.
Get you bloodwork done but also have a good cry now and then and when it hits you....try to see what else you could be sad about.
Reading a book or article or two on dealing with grief may also help.
I cry just about everyday when confronted with further information about how humans torture and kill animals....and continue to destroy our oceans, our forests, and our Earth. I'm certainly not weak.....and I'm not depressed.....it's just horrifying what humans do to our fellow Earthlings. Crying is a natural response to shock, horror, frustration at not being able to defend and protect innocent beings....
That's excellent advice!
Your observation reminds me of screening the movie "Les Miserable." The next day a (now retired) teacher that was a part of the audience told me, "I didn't sleep last night because of that movie. I had no idea people could treat each other so badly."
I think it's a biological function that doesn't represent anything besides a physical reaction to stimuli.
Crying is a sign of sadness, joy, pain, anger, frustration, etc., emotions.... It's not a sign of strength or weakness.
It can be either a sign of strength or weakness. Crying can also be a sign of selfishness or it can be used for manipulation. It can be a response to pain, mental or physical. I would say it depends on what is driving it.
It's just a sign of being human. Humans cry!
I remember when I was young, and felt uncomfortable because I never cried at funerals or when other people were crying. I thought there was something wrong with me, then I lost my son in a car wreck, and cried every day for a long time. It must have changed me physically, because now I'll be crying at a sad part in a movie and look over at Karen, and she's completely dry eyed.
So sorry to hear about the loss of your son.
I sometimes cry when I fall into a state of very deep depression. I've also wept on occasion out of empathy for a suffering friend. I feel like crying in such situations isn't weak. There are also a few songs that are very moving and inspirational for me, which can cause tears to well in my eyes.
I don't think that men should never cry. There are times when men shouldn't have to feel embarrassed to cry on occasion.
Neither or either, It depends on the situation and who is making the judgement.
It is very common for people, especially men, to think their own crying is a sign of weakness. You aren't remotely alone in that.
I rarely used to cry because it was the first indication someone had broken through all my self imposed walls. I cry more often now because who the hell cares if they see me cry, I am who I am and I have to look in the mirror and be at peace.