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Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?

I think of myself as a pretty strong person, but lately I have felt like I need a really good cry. I start getting weepy listening to the news, watching a romantic movie, videos of animals, ridiculous stuff .....I keep fighting it because I hate feeling weak. I don’t think crying is a weakness in anyone else but for some reason it is for me. ?

Alliegirl 7 Oct 28

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Neither. Both. Depends on person and situation. Can be uncontrollable. Often cathartic. Sometimes manipulative.


Crying is not a weakness. Everyone gets emotional, and that's Okay. Just last Friday I teared up when a friend convinced his girlfriend to become his fiance. I was happy for them, not weak.


If it works for you I see no problem with it.


Like most things, it all depends on context. Crying can reflect deep feeling or suffering, or it can be whining or tantrum-throwing.

I have seen and lost too much in life as far as I'm concerned, and I could blubber all the time if I wanted to. My main outlet is to shed a few quiet tears when a movie or TV show tugs at my heart strings, or reminds me of my son or something of that nature. Beyond that ... to what end would I cry? It doesn't bring back the dead or undo life mistakes or whatever. You either let such things consume you or you find a way to move on.


It's neither, in my opinion. Just a pressure relief valve for overwhelming emotions. At times it can be completely appropriate. Just don't let it become a substitute for addressing a problem in your life that can be fixed.


I think it's just crying and should be done when required.


It's a sign that you're a human being who isn't dead inside.


It's just like any other emotional expression. It is completely appropriate and necessary in a healthy human being. Doing it to much or too little or at the wrong time can be a sign of emotional problems and can be off putting to others.

MsAl Level 8 Oct 28, 2018

It's a very rare thing for me to cry. Not sure why, I don't think of it as a strength, or a weakness.
But ther was one thing that did get me a bit misty eyed a little while back, and that was the scene in GOT with Hodor, "Hold the door, hold the door, hold the door, hodor.

If you've seen it, you'll know what I'm talking about.


I can’t think of any instance in which crying is a weakness.

Marz Level 7 Oct 28, 2018

I think its strength and weakness. depends when or where they cry, If you are crying alone sometime it may make u feel better and relaxed

rajga Level 2 Oct 28, 2018

I think there is a strength to allowing yourself to be human and have human emotions, rather than go along with what is expected, or what we were taught. I'm a strong person, yet I cry when something touches my heart, whether with joy or sadness.


I agree with a few others, depends on the reason n neither is universally true. Not being afraid to cry when needed is a sign of security and honesty with yourself about what you need perhaps. Doing it relatively frequently for a variety of reasons sounds like either a sign of high sensitivity/empathy and/or hormone imbalance and/or depression. At least 2 maybe 3 of those apply to me, and I suppose I probably cry more often than the average repressed male. Crying in public because of a superficial adversity or trump style tantrums about things not being fair for white guys is a sign of being a weak immature lunatic. But there are plenty of good enough reasons to cry. The news these days should make any kind person wanna cry.

You have that right!


Tostally depends on context. It can be either.


crying is a sign of neither strength nor weakness. crying is not even always a sign of the same thing. it can be a sign of pain, fear, relief, a wish to manipulate, a proximity to sliced onions, sentimentality, frustration, joy, and a bunch of stuff that i can't think of at three-thirty in the morning. by the way, it is perfectly fine, or not in the case of manipulation, for men, women, children and other primates to cry.



If you are crying over dropping your hot dog in the dirt, yes. (Seinfeld reference)


I think crying indicates that u are a prime ape species and we have developed the ability to have emotion to express how we feel . And one of those emotions is crying for happiness, laughter, or anger it's all a human emotions I'm happy we have them personally.?☺️????


Crying is like a safety is a natural stress reliever. Those who are grieving but find they are numb and cannot cry are in serious trouble emotionally and often need therapy to help them to release their pent up grief. The fact that you feel empathy for what you see and hear and are emotionally engaged enough to be moved to cry, only shows that you are a caring and empathetic human being. Far from it being a form of weakness, I believe we show strength when we are able to cry in response to seeing or hearing something that moves us.... not just sad things, but joyful things too, it just means we are in touch with our humanity. I frequently feel moved to cry when listening to some particularly beautiful piece of music for instance, or reading or watching something that is really heartwarming and joyful. So sad or joyful...we can be moved equally to tears.


I don't see it as a sign of weakness, but rather a sign that you're a human capable of felling emotion.

And sometimes there's nothing more therapeutic than a good dedicated cry fest !


I bet even trumper cried when he had to pay off his ex-wifes and hookers.


No it is a sign you are displaying an emotion that more of us should be doing especially about gun violence and I am a gun owner.


Strength. Absolutely. A person who can cry, or express any emotions around others, demonstrates being comfortable in their own skin. Plus opening up to others is a sign of emotional trust - both in themselves and in those around them.


It's a sign you "feel", have emotions and not a sociopath. What you cry over is the true tell.


It is a sign of being human!

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