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Do you polish your shoes?

"Only you and old men polish their shoes in Wenatchee, Kathleen," a friend said. I noticed.

Today I polished black leather footwear: boots and two pairs of shoes. It's a production. Buffing wears out my arm.

Polishing makes leather shoes and boots last longer. The result is dazzling.

With my expensive hiking boots, I clean and dry them after each hike, on a Peet shoe/boot dryer/warmer. Also waterproof hiking boots Spring and Fall, and as needed.

Last Christmas, I assembled and gave daughter Claire and Matt a shoe polishing kit. Cost: $80. I went a little overboard with waterproofing items since they live in rainy Seattle.

"Matt does all of the polishing: my boots and his," Claire admitted.

LiterateHiker 9 Nov 17

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I give my croccs the odd wipe if that counts? 🙂


I did it for a year at military academy, hours everyday. When I was working I would polish once or twice a year. Now I basically wear sneakers all the time, so no need! ?


I have a couple pairs of dress shoes that are almost thirty years old, and the leather is as supple and good looking as new because they're kept polished and on shoe trees.


I don't but I still have my late Dad's shoebox. Shining his shoes for the week was a ritual he followed every Sunday night when he taught school.


i wear vinyl sandals outdoors in all seasons. they neither need nor could tolerate polishing. indoors i go barefoot. i do not polish my feet, not even my toenails.


@F-IM-Forty me too. i do it in sandals.



I might use a leather conditioner on my work boots but I don't polish anything nor do I iron clothes or sort laundry. Life's too short to waste on fashion. But I will take care of work boots!


Yes I do. It brightens them up and helps to extend the life of a good leather shoe.


I've no adult footgear. Sent it all to Goodwill upon retirement.


So, do you just slop around in tennis shoes? I only use tennis shoes for running and weightlifting.

Crocs, hiking boots which are now like suped up sneakers, and swim fins.... that's it!




I don't think I have shoes that need polish. I have a full length hooded leather coat that gets cleaned and oiled at the end of every winter.


Yes I do on a daily basis

ericg Level 4 Nov 18, 2018

I conditioned and shined this pair of boots I got in January, as with all leather boots. They are absolutely tattered I don't even know wher e to begin it's never happened before they should have lasted for years


Yes...I take care very good care of my shoes...I have boots that have lasted for years...I also polish and take care of my leather makes sense that if you spend money on stuff that you care for it...I especially do this when I am storing my shoes or if I wear them often....I have a few pairs, so sometimes this can take a while.


Yes I do, but not as often as I should! I have the shoe shine kit from basic training that I acquired in 1986! It is still in perfectly serviceable condition!


The leather ones and my boots, yes. It protects and waterproofs the leather.


You never get a second chance to make a first impression. My dad, and many other older generation males whom I respect, was known for this trait, along with respectful memories he exhibited. I, proudly, continue this tradition.

Many will think it's old fashioned, but I do a lot of old fashioned things like correcting peoples spelling and grammar text mistakes, writing letters with a fountain pen. Most appreciate it, particularly younger generations. Posting parcels to kids (books, satin ribbons to a mate's daughter) if for no other reason than for them to know that not everything is electronically generated.

@tellyrus I still love writing with a good fountain pen....


All aboard will know it is mandatory for uniformed people, army, navy, airforce, police etc. I believe there is a very good reason to follow trend.


You never get a second chance to make a first impression. My dad, and many other older generation males whom I respect, was known for this trait, along with respectful memories he exhibited. I, proudly, continue this tradition.


I polished my black boots last week and I should probably put some mink oil on my Blundstone work boots before the salt gets to them now that winter is here and they will be spreading road salt.


I will mink oil most of my leather once a year to include my shoes which I will later polish.


Boots … even ‘baked in’ the wax using my oven on very low heat last season (no one around to scold me)! Heating them seems to open the pores, as I give them two coats..

After learning to tie them, I think polishing was the second thing dad taught us ..assuming we’d be headed to the military I suspect. Still love the smell of polish 🙂

Varn Level 8 Nov 18, 2018

I bought my son an electric buffer that sits on the floor at an estate sale. It definitely takes the work out of buffing.


Oh yeah, I'm an old man LOL


I scarcely wear the kind of shoes that need polished any more.

1 look nicer, crisper polished. Hate the scuffed toe look.
Also have a nice leather valise (or large briefcase, top opening) I use that I like to keep clean as well as it seasons nicely from use.


Ah, a dapper man! Love it.

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