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LINK David Attenborough: 'The collapse of our civilizations is on the horizon' - CNN

What sort of moron still denies the reality of climate change and how it will affect our children and grandchildren? Answer: Trump and his Repub cronies.

jerry99 8 Dec 4

Enjoy being online again!

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We’re all so screwed. At least poison ivy likes the higher CO2 levels.


I have yet to understand why the religious, at least the evangelical religious, see this as an extreme issue. I have an evangelical acquaintance who I can discuss the existence of god, Jesus or the truthfulness of the Bible with but if climate change comes up he goes off. I have seen this to a lesser extent in other like minded individuals. I wonder why this is such a hot button issue for so many religious folk.

gearl Level 8 Dec 4, 2018

Because god wouldn’t allow such a thing to happen, but he is allowing so many children to starve to death in Yemen. What a riteous god!


Imagine the agenda or motivation it takes to publically deny reality. In a way, it's refreshing to have people actively deny climate change, once rhe enemy is identified, it is easier to combat.


I was not in the tv room but the volume was up and I knew Sir David's voice immediately as he delivered his dire warning. As usual, he was spot on. If we don't act quickly human civilization as we know it will end.

Unfortunately, the Paris accord may not go far enough. We are probably going to blow right past a temperature rise to 3.6 degrees F.

I still hold out some hope that, thanks to visionaries like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, there is still some chance that we’ll move to renewable energies in time to salvage our clean water and clean air. Obviously it all depends on getting rid of the environmentally destructive forces in the world like our current administration, along with getting our population under control, and eliminating repressive religious institutions.

Time will tell.

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