This is good news!
Honestly I don’t care for them but at the same time whenever the republicans are in control they suffer so y’all better hope that they close up by January because once there’s a democratically controlled congress they’ll fire up the fear factory again.
And let’s be real there are some new individuals that have hinted that they’re going to try to take our firearms and lol to be young simple again. ?
Excellent news! The tide is turning against the NRA and gun violence.
Learned to shoot and safe handling from them years ago. They lost me when they became a political lobbying machine with no conscience. Now alleged ties to laundering money during the election makes me hope they go the way of the dodo.
It sucks to be rigid in backward thinking eh? Looking forward to the funeral and sale of contents.
All this disgusting company did to not repeat the mistakes of the tobacco companies seems to have misfired. Sometimes practicing overkill kills the killers.
Woo hoo, that's some great news! Please please please let it happen. I want to save that front page!!!
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving misguided group of people!
You understand that these are tears of JOY and SATISFACTION! (Hooray.) (Couldn't happen to a more deserving ''business.''