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Many are suicides and if they did not have a gun they would find some other means. There still are to many gun deaths and illegal guns account for many of them.

It's important to include gun suicides in the data because the data shows the percentage of 'sucessful' suicides is much higher with guns than by other means.

@kmdskit3 I agree however in Japan it is knifes and it would be difficult to outlaw them.


Glad the CDC is able to give out this information. Hopefully, this will be a plateau. This insanity may finally be slowing down now that more sensible people are taking a stand against the gun industry and its lackey the NRA with it's puppet, brainwashed members members!!!

Gun owners of which I am one need to keep guins from kids and people who have mental problems. How does a 14 year old get a gun? Guns and licenses should be Federal with an FBI check. Anyone convicted of domestic violance should loose their license. To get a license they need to complete a a weapons school. Also needed to get a license is a picture of a gun safe and have it be a Federal felony if discovered it wasn't the gun owner's safe. A three day waiting period should be required to purchase a gun during which the background ck could be done. Being a Federal law it would bring the same laws and rules to every state. Purchases of guns should also be limited to two at most at a time. There isn't any reason for more than that .

@Marine Most people, myself, agree with you. It is a simply matter of practical regulations.


What if instead of violating peoples constitutional right, and trying to take guns away, we required everybody to carry a gun. Guns arent the problem. The problem is more criminals have guns than law abiding citizens.

We would have more accidents than killings on purpose if this was the requirement and it would provide an opportunity for criminals to get more guns than they now have.


Not nearly as many as from medical mistakes, traffic accidents and drug overdoses. Furthermore, most "gun deaths" are suicides. It seems we need a few "common sense" laws forbidding suicide.

@Seeker3CO Brazil has the most gun deaths (it is a "modern" nation), and they have very strict gun laws. So, strict ("common sense"?) gun laws do not seem to be the panacea that anti-gun persons seem to suggest and parrot so often the more naive among us take it for fact instead of doing internet searches to find the truth.

@Seeker3CO "first world nations", "industrialized nations", "modern nations" etc. Ask yourself what exactly do such statements have in common. To give you an idea of what they are implying with such disingenuous statements, replace all those ambiguous terms with, "predominantly caucasian". Of course they cannot do such because it would be politically incorrect. The fact is, there are other nations who have very strict gun laws but still have high or higher rates of gun violence than that of the U.S. (but the anti's try to manipulate which countries are included in the stats to force the conclusion that gun laws = less gun deaths.) Therefore, it is not a logical conclusion that just more, better, "common sense" gun laws are going to make an impact upon gun deaths, no matter how many times that platitude is repeated.

Suicide should be a protected right of every person to do with their body whatever they choose.. it isn't any different than an abortion right. We should pass a law to provide councilling to those who are thinking of suicide instead or feel so low that they no longer wish to live.


Legalize drugs and I’ll guarantee you that those #’s would plummet.
Then I’d I don’t know maybe balance society out so that poor people will receive equal schooling job opportunity’s which would quite possibly lead to circumstances that would result in violence.

Let’s not forget that during the era of prohibition that gun violence was most likely at its highest in decades but we’re supposedly such an improved species that we shouldn’t kill each other but evidence has shown that’s an absolute lie.

But please demonize a tool if that’s what makes you feel safer and let’s see where this goes 👏🏼

@Seeker3CO a large number are also the result of our militarized and trigger-happy law enforcement officers protecting and serving citizens to death.


America does NOT have a 'Gun Deaths' problem, just ask any Gun-toting American.

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