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LINK Just in case everyone has forgotten

This is from shortly after the election and is an important reminder that before we head into the next election against trump that we need look very hard at ourselves if we want to win.

48thRonin 8 Feb 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Hindsight sure makes it easy to point fingers...

I personally am guilty of many of her talking points...time for some introspection...


Don't believe the polls. Don't believe social media. Don't believe the hype. Don't stay home. Don't dislike Democrats. Don't get out of line. Voting once every 2 years can not be that debilitating. Get out & vote to save our nation from this madness.

Give us who we want, give us open primaries, make Election Day a bankers holiday so more businesses will allow their employees to go vote, put a cap on election spending, block all foreign donations to political parties, and don’t tell us that we have to vote for a lesser piece of shit because that piece of shit belongs to your party.


Trump dominates the news and the threads on this site....

Is anyone actually in danger of "forgetting"?

Yeah but they tend to forget how he got elected though

@48thRonin what was 47% of eligible voters didn't vote? We can't fix lazy.

@SkotlandSkye Well it wasn’t as much about being lazy as it was being disenfranchised by our two party system and the actions of the Democratic Party in regards to their blatant dismissal of new voters and progressives.

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