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LINK Over-population is the real cause of climate change – it's killing us all off

Over-population deniers are no different than climate change deniers....both are delusional because of their own arrogance and agenda.

Too many humans. Not enough Earth.

SkotlandSkye 8 Feb 6

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I think the article profoundly oversimplifies the problem. There's no doubt that population plays a role, but the article makes no mention of the population that's really creating the problem. The real population problem just happens to be us...

According to the Center for Biological Diversity...

"The United States has the largest population in the developed world, and is the only developed nation experiencing significant population growth Its 300 million inhabitants produce greenhouse gases at a per-capita rate that is more than double that of Europe, five times the global average, and more than 10 times the average of developing nations."

"More than half of the U.S. population lives in car-dependent suburbs. Cumulatively, we drive 3 trillion miles each year."

"The transportation sector now accounts for one-third of all U.S. carbon emissions."

"Another one-fifth of U.S. carbon emissions comes from the residential sector. Average home sizes have increased dramatically in recent decades, as has the accompanying footprint of each home. Suburban sprawl contributes significantly to deforestation, reducing the capacity of the planet to absorb the increased CO2 we emit."

They also note, "Each child born in the United States will add about 9,441 metric tons of carbon dioxide to the carbon legacy of an average parent."


The earth can probably handle the number of people living on it just fine... It's how we behave that is causing the problems. The way we farm. Our destruction of trees to build big houses. Clearing forests so we can eat hamburgers. Burning coal to generate power.

The article I'm citing also points out that in the rest of the world, population is declining, especially in the developed world.... except for the U.S.

So it isn't population per se, it's how the population behaves. And while there's plenty of blame to go around, America is the one country--at least on a political level--exacerbating the problem exponentially.


It’s a myth that has been proven time and time again.
One figure actually showed that the entire current population could all live in the state of Alaska with a 1/4 acre of land.

But it’s the condensing into such small areas to where we’re stacking on top of one another that is creating the greatest issue.

There’s a 1,000 times more greenhouse being released in New York than the rest of the state as a whole. And it’s probably worse in Seoul Korea and Tokyo where there’s even less vegetarian to offset it.

But if all of these places would mandate electric or natural gas vehicles only within their limits as well as using strictly LED lighting, as finding ways to heat and cool the buildings without demanding so much energy or find away to work towards a 80% green energy initiative then we would most likely see a somewhat better turn around in our crisis.

And besides the only way to actually remedy over population would be by war or disease. So pick one and don’t complain about the results.


I disagree. It's greed that's killing us.


And the churches oppose birth control and abortion so the rest of the population will starve& fight over resources.


"Overpopulation is killing us" sounds a little bit like a Yogi Berra saying:

"That place is so crowded nobody goes there anymore"

BD66 Level 8 Feb 6, 2019

Kudos for a very rare post which acknowledges the reality; the root cause of global warming.
Empowerment and education of women is needed.


Ever hear of ZPG (Zero Population Growth). I was a board member for over 8 years. It crashed (along with the population branch of the Sierra Club). The reason, fights over the impact of immigration over overpopulation. This is a very complicated issue and I am glad I am not alone in my feelings. Also, I recently joined NPG (Negative Population Growth). They have been around longer than ZPG but take a more realistic approach (instead of the emotional one). []
Thank you for bringing this up. More need to hear and heed this message.



First, I never got my shit together enough to be a responsible parent.

Next, I realized my family tree--on both sides--is heavy with mental illness and addiction, and i decided one of the best things i could do for the world is not pass on my genes.

After that, I became aware that suffering, already-born children deserve care, and that would (in my estimation) have a greater net positive impact on the world than letting them languish while raising up new children "from scratch".

And finally, I came to understand that whatever I have to offer, it is likely better my time not be diverted to the raising of my own genetic offspring, and instead invested in other areas.

So, I'm exceedingly happy to have not reproduced. I'd like to foster and/or adopt some day, but I don't see it happening, and I'm fine with it.

Obligatory disclaimer: In no way do I pass judgment on anyone else for their reproductive history. What appears above is what applies to me only.

At some point you have to trust evolution. It got us this far.

@Skeezwazzle Look at all the species that have ever existed on this planet. 90% have become extinct. This is how evolution works.

@JackPedigo yep.

@JackPedigo Evolution also produces kin-selection effects (which I submit mostly for the benefit of other readers of this reply chain, who might not have had the benefit of university biology classes or their equivalent): many organisms contribute to the propagation of their species not by reproducing themselves, but by assisting in the survival of their fellow organisms, usually kin, and often through assisting in the rearing of young. In many cases it takes the form of parents helping each other raise offspring; however it may even take the form of organisms that have no offspring of their own helping out in various ways.


Couldn’t agree more. The enemy here of course, once again, is religion. Go forth and multiply is taken quite literally by all of them....and woe and eternal damnation on anyone who uses contraception! A Nigerian Catholic Bishop actually told people in Lagos that condoms caused Aids! They are crazy and will be the destruction of all of us. Moslems and Christian alike are procreating at an alarming rate, even when there is famine and civil war, they are bringing babies into the world in refugee camps where the mother has no milk in her shrivelled breasts! Horrendous cruelty...and that evil old hag Mother Theresa was the high priestess of misery before she died....soon to be fast tracked to sainthood by the Catholic Church, naturally.

@KissedbySun I’m not stupid I know that, but in the 21st century we know how to have sex and still not procreate. It is the religious who oppose the use of contraception and birth control....which was my point.

@KissedbySun I’m not talking about having a normal amount of children...yes most people do want to have a few. I am talking about scores of children, during childbearing years some women are still bearing over a dozen in some cultures. These people need to be educated and encouraged to use some form of birth control. It is another way of keeping women oppressed, I have worked for an international charity and know first hand that the churches were the biggest barrier to emancipation for women by their opposition to birth control. I would like you to tell me what the core issue that you refer to is...! If we in the increasingly secular West are seeing a fall in birth rates, as we are, then what is the cause of the rampant increase in the more religious less developed parts of the world?


Dumbass religions keep telling people to be fruitful and multiply. They're hoping to out-populate the opposition.


Agenda 21.

What is agenda 21?

Bill Gates is taking care of it-

@Redheadedgammy If you have no luck on Google, let me know--

@Redheadedgammy agenda 21 is a non binding UN resolution looking at finding some relief and is going nowhere - except straight to the Glen Beck (book on it) conspiracy theorists. I wonder which side stands the guy who mentioned it, and why, with such mystery.

@Skeezwazzle That's the problem. Let somebody else take care of things.

@JackPedigo better him than me.

@JackPedigo I wouldn't be so subtle.

@Beowulfsfriend thanks for letting me know. I don't get why some people want to send you on a trip to find something when they could as easily do what you just did.


Oh that more people would understand this......

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