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Three top Dems in VA accused in the same week. The fourth top official is Republican. "That kind of coincidence takes a lot of coordination". Malcolm Nance.

The A G actually told in himself so strike that.

Governor was an idiot but the statement he gave in regards to the most recently challenged abortion technique was a door for revenge.

And this guy is in a bad way but it should be investigated by the FBI or an out of state agency.

@48thRonin The thing is, if the Gov. or Ag. were a conservatives there would be no talk of stepping down. If the Lt. Governor were a Conservative Christian, he would be in line for some sort of award from Focus On The Family

@Seminarian Well congratulations we’re two different worlds sharing the same government.

But either way both parties have their faults in their dysfunctional way and we should learn treat these people as individuals and not an entire political party


One man's consent is another woman's rape. We live in a day and time when these stories happen often and it comes out of left field after a period of time. If there is an investigation center on this along with who might have encouraged the claimant, and why. At least that is a good start.

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