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LINK Man sues parents for giving birth to him

Well this was bound to happen sooner or later, given the arguments made by antinatalists.

mordant 8 Feb 13

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That's crazy... He should take responsibility for his situation... He can easily "abort" himself if he didn't want to be born...


Where's a De Lorean or a Tardis when you need one?!
How can someone talk his own parents out of giving life to you?!


cogito ergo sum producat sectam

I think therefore I sue




Think I'll sue my next door neighbor for waking up this morning.

godef Level 7 Feb 13, 2019

Well if he wins I want his laywers number! Lol.Can I sue America for just pissing me off? Hahaha


To be or not to have been. That is the question.


If I was his father I’d counter sue him for wrecking his mother’s vagina with that big fucking head of his. ?


Not too late for his mother to abort him. I’d be tempted to shake him til his teeth rattle for being such an asshat.


So fucking stupid.
On so many levels.

Ironically,I actually have some respect in theory for the underlying philosophical arguments, but the entitled, whiny notion that so much as a pinprick or stubbed toe turns your life into a moral obscenity is several bridges too far for me.

I want to see parenting be a far more considered and self-aware decision that people make, with more respect for the people they're bringing into the world. But people like this make such arguments about 10 times harder to make.

@mordant Granted, there IS a broader point to be made. However, this nonsense isn't the way to make it.

@mordant You should check out the Intactivist/Bloodstained Men movement. Circumcision as infants(or anytime, really) has driven these men(and women who agree with them) nuts.

@CarolinaGirl60 That's another example of something I have some resonance with; unlike me, my son and stepson were not circumcised and I hope the erosion of that default continues. BUT ... I don't want to see a victimhood movement arise out of it, either.

@mordant It already has.

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