Is anyone else losing hair over this nutjob in the W.H from stress?..seriously, I wake up stressed over the previous days insanity only to read about an even more egregious statement..I mean W.T.F..
Trump is annoying, and changing things he shouldn't, like a petulant child. It can all be changed again.
Progressives need to vote against all politicians who take PAC money, sign the petitions for a Constitutional change to eliminate money from politics (see, and pressure the PAC money takers in town hall meetings, by phone, and by visiting their offices en masse.
Don't forget any election or primary, and become politically aware and active locally, statewide, and nationally. The rich have money to throw at elections, we need to make the waste it by never voting for those who spend big money on TV ads. Check out sites that sponsor progressive candidates, such as []
Don't let your emotions affect your health, use them to get angry and act. Someone who speaks five languages is potentially a progressive politician. Consider running for office.
I'm not losing my hair, but I DO feel the necessity to be as politically active as I possibly can in order to fight this administration! I have a belief that WE THE PEOPLE should have a say in what our tax dollars are spent on, and it's NOT a freaking wall to further divide our country!
I am seriously believing this orange haired racoon hat is attempting to overthrow the US. I do believe this and with that I am very anxious over it but not losing my hair. At 67 I still need a haircut every four weeks or I look like Einstein and that is good with me. But yes this issue is scary as hell. I have two brothers that believe Alex Jones and also the christian illusion that trump is devine
I think it's all fake. He's just a puppet show to entertain and distract us. It's too redicoulous to be real.
I've taken up Yoga and am trying very hard to stay in the present moment. I keep telling myself that the only really affective action that I can take is to vote. I'm focusing on the things that I can do within the very small sphere around me like helping neighbors and family. These are very trying times and sites like this one can help all of us. Charlene, I hope you find some peace.
Thanks..impeachment of the Entire administration would help immensely!
I seriously wake up every day in the hope that I will finally hear the news he is being impeached. It's my belief that he is a Disposable President. They can have him do all the worst crap imaginable, blame him for everything that goes wrong and walk away with no consequences.
Turn off the news. You don't need the day-to-day, minute-by-minute insanity that is our current political system.
I only watch the last 20 minutes of the nightly news..due to him..
At this point, for my own health and the health of others, I try to just avoid the news. I am legitimately worried that I may become a violent person who does something unspeakable with how much rage he and his brainwashed nazi rejects instill in me.
I think the people currently occupying the W.H. are dangerous to the US, dangerous to democracy and could turn out to be dangerous to the world.
But I am even more worried by the people who put them into power and the people who support them, because without them, we would not have this situation. Without people who wanted to see a self-obsessed, uneducated, misogynist, racist, authoritarian arsehole as their president, we would not have that problem. But since these people exist, I am very worried about democracy spiralling towards its own abolition, with potentially disastrous consequences.
This is not just happening in the US, but the way it is happening in the US is probably the one that will impact global security most.
@irascible I hate being the Kassandra here, and I wish I would have an idea of how to deal with this, but sadly, I don't and I do not see any promising ideas from others either. I would hate to just accept that what we observe is just "human nature" bringing us ever closer to violence, war and destruction again. I always stuck to the belief that education and good arguments could prevent this, but unfortunately, the evidence shows that this is not the case: at no point in history, education was as good and accessible as it has been to those who now support Trump or some right-wing Nazis in Europe. At no point in history it was so easy to inform and educate oneself if only one wants to. And yet, people prefer to descend ever more into a tribalism where scientists and experts are demonised as "the establishment" where facts are called fake news and fake news are presented as facts and people go along with it.
Trump is not the cause, he is a symptom: he is the symptom of an illness, an illness of the mind and heart and it will spread unless we find a way how to stop it.
Carrot top will sow the seeds of his own destruction. You need to find solace in the companionship of like minded people and avoid the Trump Trolls that caused this mess in the first place. Turn off the news, turn on the muse. Get a distraction to keep you going. Work with the rest of us to change the Congress in November 2018 and don't give up on the 2020 vision to take the chicken coop back from the Fox Ass.
Send what money you can to the ACLU, Jewish Anti-Defamation, PP, and the like! Call your representatives, both local & federal, to praise or harangue them as needed....once you look, there are a ton of groups online, such as Move On, that make it easy! March/Rally if you can.
These actions can & do have an effect plus it will make you feel much better! Sadly the days when we can just go out to brunch are over for now.......