I continue to change and evolve. In many ways, I'm different than I was ten years ago.
But, I do consistently get lost in my thoughts and I have a love for making stories and creating new things. I doubt that will ever change. My life would be dull if I didn't have 100 questions running through my brain at all times. These things have been true about me since I was a small child.
What stays the same for you?
My need to learn, seeing things from a reasoned position, good or bad and an overblown sense of empathy. There is also a sense of independance and introvertedness.
I bet your parents loved you with all the questions (or were driven crazy)!
Lucky us! Lol @silvereyes
Curiosity, for sure, and just...I appreciate knowledge. Which I suppose tends to go hand in hand with curiosity, but I do love to learn a LOT of different things. Details of politics or business or learning (or re-learning) math (only for the purpose of school cuz I hate it and suck at it) not so much, but hugely varying stuff like skiing and snowboarding (first when i was very young, second very recently), carpentry, electrical shit (though mostly concerning renewable energy), everything I can possibly learn about pretty much every animal ever lol (and some plants and rocks and things to do with how Earth works etc strewn around in there), and of course I try to go to wikipedia only for game walkthroughs and sometimes definitions and things if similar nature because I can get caught for hours if I'm not careful...Hate of math is probably something that will never change. Never much cared about trivia type of knowledge, or learning history (though the latter's gotten better). I'll probably never outgrow my habit of generally taking things at face value, literally and seriously, except when I know someone really well. A love of writing and reading, and of nature and animals. Always been very honest in general, in a lot of cases to my own detriment - and other sometimes. Hopefully I will always value truth over peoples' emotions for the most part, though...honestly lol. My desire to be more and better and my ability to be quite self-aware, and usually standing up for what I believe in. So...a lot of everything before this could have been summed up as "My integrity" xD Hope in general is something that I've (with one or two very brief exceptions solved by going to bed) always been able to hang onto, even if only by a thread. I need my alone time, and time with people I feel closest to as well - I feel like this is the case for most people, but I'll say it regardless lol. I like to talk about deep shit. Nulliparity! Which means never having given birth - which is EXTREMELY important to me, and has been for as long as I can remember. Thanks to @memorylikeasieve for teaching me a new word (: Very likely my geekiness too. Rebelliousness. I'm pretty certain my sense of humour - generally dry or absurd with some dark/morbid even - will never change much. My wish to be more spontaneous will, probably, but over a long period of time, or hopefully I'll learn to be able to do it at the right times lol.
I feel bad for my wife sometimes. She did not marry me 11 years ago; that ship of Theseus has sailed lol
But for better or worse, I have always been a dissenter, and do not see that changing anytime soon. Do not tell me I can't without good reason. I can keep a secret, but dare not tell me to ask no question.
My love of making people laugh My stern sense of right& wrong. My gift of seeing the bright side. My intolerance for willful stupidity
I like that you said that because it got my neurons firing up and rememebered how I would do really fiddly things like painting used matchsticks different colours (cutting off the burnt bit) and then sticking them together with glue- We also had two big gardens and I would sit in it the front one that was just grass painting the daisies (small weeds not big ones) with my watercolours. Since then I have probably had a go at every craft I ever met - weaving woodcarving knitting crochet tablet weaving decoupage - I like the challenge of learning and read a craft book get inspired and then mess with their patterns doing my own thing,.
My sense of humour, my nulliparity, my refusal to smoke cigarettes.
My need to be alone. Not all the time, but sometimes.
My desire to be near large bodies of water
My shrinking acceptance of bullshit
Probably not anything, except for being abnormal - though I was told that my life has been a normal reaction to an abnormal situation - so does that make me normal or abnormal? Both, maybe, or in some ways some of each. I think everything about me has changed to some degree, which may be normal... I have gotten first worse, then better, in many ways since birth, otherwise in some ways better, and in some ways worse. I've seen enough changes of things that are supposedly unchangeable - and generally are except under extreme circumstances - that I don't completely count on anything being or staying a certain way anymore. I'm inclined to think that won't change, but I could well be wrong.
My Heart been Unbreakable since the beginning. Hard to explain to your kids... Reckon they got their mother genes or I would had seen it by now. Maybe my son is a late bloomer and end up being a Male Bimbo but with lotsa brains.