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Do you make your bed every day?
Why or why not?

Crimson67 8 Mar 2

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No. Iā€™m sadly lazy about making beds. There are far more important things to be worried about than a righty bed.


Yes. Had an 8 legged room mate who snuck under the covers. Make my bed first thing since that discovery šŸ˜Ÿ


Nope. I stopped making my bed after my first night out of the dorms. Cause Iā€™m a rebel.


if you call that, making the bed.. all I do is pull the sheet/bedspread up to cover the bed again


yes if the dogs are coming in because all of a sudden they are on the bed and have been swimming in mud


I do...I make it a total mess.


I do not make my bed every day. My Mother would tsk tsk. About two days a week I make the bed. Bed usually looks frumpy. My home is clean but cluttered. My mum would roll her eyes. She raised me to be clean and organized.

SKH78 Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

Kind of, but no. It generally looks neat though the sheets are folded back. This way when I get in bed, the sheets aren't cold.

Bamboo Sheets - never cold!


Make it every day*, cause it just doesn't look comfy otherwise..

  • unless I'm ill..then it's fuck it I'm

My late 2nd wife had an aunt who had a saying: "If it's good enough to get out of, it's good enough to get into." She NEVER made her bed (the aunt, or my wife).

My present wife and I do not "make" our King-sized bed in the conventional sense because it consists of a fitted sheet and his and hers European style twin-sized duvets. The duvets are cozy without being stifling and since we have separate ones, neither of us ever "steals the covers" from the other during sleep.

Sometimes I spend the last couple hours of the night on a futon in my office, because my wife sleeps lightly during the same period I'm staggering out to the bathroom once an hour or so (getting old is a bitch). I DO make the futon when I get out of it, as I just don't want that to add to the chatotic vibe emanating from my desk.


Yes, otherwise it's too messed up at night... also, I'm kind of with the OCD person... šŸ™‚


Yes, ma'am. Not doing it makes my OCD hurt.


I sleep on top of the covers so I don't have to. I hate a messy bed, but I hate making it more.


Yes. It marks the start of another day as I put the old one to bed.


Yes. I HAVE to. I have four cats (so, 18 x 4 claws) and a full wave waterbed mattress that is VERY susceptible to punctures.

I will add, making said bed takes less than ten seconds. I fanfold (accordian style) my comforters over on the edge when I go to bed. In the AM, I grab the edge of the comforters and pull them across the bed. Voila! Made!

Zster Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

Yes - every day !

It both makes me feel good, and prevents the cats from puking under the covers - where my body goes !

Holy cow, that WOULD be gross!

@Zster uh yes, it is ... ask me how I know ... one day - right in the middle of my pillow - such a gift !


Yes, to a greater or lesser degree. I like to go to bed and find it all comfy and ready.


Yes, because it takes about 30 seconds and it's so beckoning when I go to bed at night


Yes it looks better


Yes! Why not. It's a habit we have together. It's nicer to go to bed in a made bed than in the mess of the night before.

Gert Level 7 Mar 2, 2018

Yes, I do. Not sure why.


No, only when I wash teh sheets each week, why? because I can.


Yup. Because the bed is just right there anyway. What's 15 seconds before going to the bathroom?


I make my bed every morning. A simple reason. Is that I like a nice, neat, clean home.


If my wife is out of town, no. Why should I?


Hardly ever. It's where I spend most of my time not at work, and it's comfy and when it's made I get tangled up in the sheets

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