Not to a believer because they operate by faith not facts. Religion proves itself to be man made because no god ever invented operated above the level of a spoiled 8 year old psychotic...
Well who the hell else do you think "made" it??!!!
Is there any way that religion can be proved not to be man-made?
I think you just did...... just by posing that question and not getting killed instantly by lightning kind of proves that religion is man made.
Even most deists could agree with you that religion is socially constructed by humans. Also, you may want to read Peter Berger’s The Sacred Canopy to help you make your argument.
That looks like an interesting book. I'm not familiar with Bergers work, but I'm going to have to look into it now. Just Googled it briefly. Reminds me somewhat of Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
Yes. Just read the Bible.
There's to many lies
@Gbgood there are too many...
What other creature on this planet has the imagination, creativity, and need for attention than a human? Our history is filled with imaginative story-tellers as well as greedy power hungry people who lie, cheat, manipulate, and take advantage when the opportunity presents itself. Leaders past and present have taken advantage by creating fear with misinformation and used religion to gain control.
If a deity needs recognition and adulation then it would present itself to all humans, it is inefficient otherwise.
To answer the question, Um... dolphins? Everything you said after that question has nothing to do with dolphins.
No need for proof! Who invented them then, the penguins, the monkeys?
I doubt the monkeys would have the husband as the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church.
In Islam, a dead man gets 72 virgins. A woman gets her husband back. (And generous as Allah is, if she married more than once, she gets to choose which husband she reunites with! Wow! How she gets along with the 72 virgins in paradise is anyone's guess.)
@greyeyed123 but I heard that all women become virgins again when they get to heaven
@girlwithsmiles Oh thanks!
Simple. Religion did not exist prior to lthe time that evolution produced the modern homo sapien.
The faithfools don't accept science, they don't accept reason, they don't accept modern times, they do not accept the reality...... how would they accept the proof the God is man-made?
A woman in the U.S. just saw Jesus standing in the burning spire of Notre Dame on TV. This is in 2019? The faithfools see Jesus in bread toast. They see Mother Mary crying blood. All this defies logic and reason. You cannot convert the stupid. Stupid is by choice. Once they have made it, they cannot be changed. They must die out.
I worry about the type of people we'll be left with if all the religious die out. I don't think the world has a substitute for them in place yet.
To start with Mary wasn't a virgin.yes she had a child named him Jesus.he never died on the he never rose from dead.get the big picture.its all not true.
The post questions religion, and your response is about jesus.... look inside yourself and find the big picture. ... why are you here, really?
@frisbee212isn't religion all backed by jesus??
@frisbee212 We are here because our parents joined and our mother gave us birth. Our reason for living is up to each individual person.
Whether or not there are any gods, and I believe there are not, religion itself is a social construct. If there were gods, they would continue to exist even if no one worshiped them, just as people worship even though there are no gods. Religions have more or less evolved over the millennia to fit the needs of their societies, so without knowing exactly when and where the first religion started, it would be impossible to prove the origin of religion, just as it is impossible to "prove" the nonexistence of gods or other unlikely beings.
Looking at the replies, i've had many a giggle and some inspiring answers. Thank you all for that.
I am now wondering what kind of feedback I would get if I asked how the design in nature came about?
wrong question. should be "Is there proof of a god-made religion?"
There are no wrong questions