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Am I crazy for wanting to take a relationship super slow and let it become something wonderful organically?

DerekFuiten 4 Mar 6

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I don't think "hook ups" qualify as proper "dates," but I suppose some people think so. Most women I know are in no hurry to rush to sex and committment, since courtship is the fun part of a relationship.


It's the only way that makes sense! People rush into artificial intimacy not because they are in love with the other person, but because they are trying to use the person to fill an unmet need, usually validation. Sex is just sex and easily found, but a real connection takes time.

Well said, Mkonnick!

A hard fact of life that I learned over the past few years is that people can only love and accept you to the extent that they have learned to love and accept themselves. Real love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person. Real love isn’t just a euphoric, spontaneous feeling—it’s a deliberate choice—a plan to love each other for better and worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health. Of course, you don’t choose who you’re attracted to, but you definitely choose who you fall in love with and (more importantly) who you stay in love with.

Society places a lot of emphasis on feelings. We are taught that we should always follow our feelings and do whatever makes us happy. But feelings are very fickle and fleeting. Real love, on the other hand, is like the north star in the storms of life; it is constant, sure, and true. Whenever we’re lost and confused we can find strength in the love that we have chosen.

Don’t ever try to change aspects of whom you are just to fit in to a group. Instead, let your true colors show. The people who will love the real you are the people with whom you should be friends with. Life’s too short to try to make everyone like you. Once an individual stops seeking validation from others, true growth begins to shine through. We are all different people who have different tastes, different ideals, different perspectives and different opinions. Just accept that some people are bound to dislike you, and it’s nobody’s fault.

A true relationship (friendship or romantic interest) will keep it real and won't lie, now that's real talk!! I truly believe talking and sharing all important decisions together can keep a healthy relationship. Don't start in the habit of lying for your friends or romantic interest because it can and will make it so easy to start lying to them. Speak what's on your mind and what's in your heart in the beginning of your relationship and continue this habit in the future. Never ever bring someone else's problem into your life and household. Sometimes it's okay to say nothing when the other partner is wrong especially when they are upset. Not everything has to be said all the time. Sometimes we must realize that some things happen out of our control. Remember, misery loves company so keep some things to yourself. We all will have trials and tribulations, so keep an open mind and make good judgement calls and your relationship with your friend or romantic interest will have less bumps.

At the end of the day, what matters is that we VALUE and LOVE the people that are in our lives. We need to learn that happiness is more than just a feeling. It is also a choice and the result of a series of choices. We have to choose to appreciate and love those around us.


It seems like now-a-days, (that makes me feel old) relationships feel rushed. You're not crazy at all. Do what you gotta do.


No. This is actually the sound and rational way to proceed with a relationship.

Speaking from my own personal experience, I’ve found that women I’ve been involved with who were roughly between the ages of 35 and 45 were usually those most predisposed to rushing a relationship because they sensed a rapidly narrowing window in which to be able to have children.

After the children come, however, it’s a toss up as to whether or not such an impetuous affair would be able to endure in light of more practical considerations.

Sure, I guess you should be flattered if a woman would want to rush into a relationship with, of all people, you; however, proceed with both eyes open and realize that biological factors may be at play here which even she might not be fully aware of.

Lastly: To thine own self be true. You have to do what’s best for you.


I'm in a situation like that right now. Met someone a few months ago and we're taking it very slow: no idea where it's going to go but I like where we are and enjoying the experience. I know there's an attraction there and hope to see it grow.


That is honestly the best method I've had experience with in my life. Rushing screws it all up. Take your time to get to know someone. Let that appreciation, intimacy and beauty grow. 😀


I dated my wife for five years. We have been married for forty four years. I say,"take it easy"🙂


That's called respect.


Nope you aren't crazy.

Nothing wrong with how you think it should happen.


I would say that life is balance. If you go too slow, you could lose it. If you go too fast, then you could mess it up. If you're using the term "organically" as something that just falls into place, I don't think that's possible. In fact, the fact that you're taking it "slow" means you're cultivating it, even now. So I would try and strike a balance, make sure that your partner is tracking, otherwise, the point could be mute.


No, I feel that you fall in lust but grow love.


No-everyone is different.


Absolutely, you are not alone. I feel if a person is in a hurry, he can find someone else. Quality is worth waiting for and giving it your all. We live in a world of instant gratification and it seems so wrong. I compare this scenario to buying a book that you've heard great reviews about, but instead of reading the book starting at the beginning, you rush to the end and lose out on the best part which is the book in its totality.


Why would you ask it that way? Are you getting pushback from the other person, or are you concerned because of some other feeling of pressure? Maybe the best way is just to listen both to yourself (your feelings and reactions) and to the other person, and not worry about how fast or slow it actually is.

It's not that I am worried about the pace or its existence all that much but I was told recently that there were certain paces that things should go at and all I wanted was to let it grow an advance on its own. Let things come as they happen. Not to just presume sex on the third date et cetera.

@DerekFuiten That makes total sense to me. The relationship is made up of the two people in it. Therefore each relationship is going to be as different as the two people. I think it is both healthy and considerate to get to know someone and consult your feelings and hers (or his) to decide what to do next.


....but then there's chemistry

Undeniably! And in no way am I saying I haven't before allowed that to happen (Couldn't stop it if I truly wanted to tbh.) or that it automatically kills the relationship. I discovered something about myself since I ended my last relationship: I cannot just jump into bed with a person I don't care for in a loving and sexual way. Tried to. Wouldn't work. Without being too crude, I'll just say equipment failure. But it's not as though I have a problem, I just cannot have a fwb or booty call sort of relationship. All that being said, I'm betting my ex and I would have never made it 7 years nor would my son have been born if said chemistry and me impregnating her on the first attempt did not occur.


I’m the same way.


A good question. Years ago I ran across a study that defined a successful marriage as one that lasted 20 years or longer. They researchers studied many marriages and plotted how long a couple were in a relationship before getting married versus 20 year outcome of relationship. The result were a bell-curve with seven years being the optimal success rate. Less then six months and more then 14 years were equally bad. (I think 1.5% successful) I can’t find that study anywhere and that was many years ago so I am not sure of it’s accuracy as I did not check the source when I ran across the article.


Not at all. I have come to feel that someone whose top priority is a committed relationship from the get-go is likely not truly interested in me as a person, but only the parts of me that serve their goal and their ideal of what a relationship should be. Friendship is not a stepping-stone to a relationship or the lesser of two, it is everything. All of the most precious and worthwhile things in a relationship, the things that spark and sustain our faith in one another and the desire to keep spending time together can be found in true friendship--empathy, trust, loyalty, fun and humor, support for one another's passions, honoring one another's autonomy. Most of these things take serious time to grow strong and that should be honored. No shame in having mad feelings for each other, btw, just don't put the cart before the horse in terms of actions.


No you're not


Not at all


That seems like a logical approach to


No, that's how I am. If I can't connect with the person I just feel like an object.


U sound afraid

No. I just don't have interest in sex without caring. I can take care of that on my own. I'm afraid I'll die alone. I'm afraid the mistakes and choices I've made will cause me to be alone forever. I'm afraid of a lot. But not sex. I just am simply not interested without the love. I thank you for your comment however.


Thank you all so very much. Well, most of you. Lol. I am not in a relationship at this moment but I've found since becoming single again that the women I attract are by and large holding an expectation of the speed of things. Either that it will disappoint me if it doesn't happen or it disappoints them and makes them think I'm disinterested. My last breakup, despite happening upon my will and decision, hurt me drastically. I'm just now after many months feeling as though I could start again. The abject failures in the interim certainly did not help though. I really liked one of those girls in question. She was pushing the issue silently with body language and moods. Our dates never allowed us time to get to know one another though. And due to that I wasn't interested in it. And if I forged on anyway it would have been disappointing on both ends. The first time sets the tone IMO. It should be incredible. And if you really start caring for someone in that way, let alone feel unlovable as I have, it will be incredible. That previous relationship ended with a fizzle due to me not taking the hint. I wouldn't do it over however. F***ing is for the young. In my mind I've always been an old man. I only have time for love making at this point in my life.


I would not think so. I do not see how they form without. One may have endless connections, mental and physical they would hardly qualify as relationships.


Unless your relationship is with an inflatable doll, it's all organic fast or slow.

OK, forget the semantics. If all you can do is needlessly nitpick my mistake in choice of words (Which I do not find as a mistake. I believe it got the point across quite well and isn't that the whole point of language?) then you're not needed. There's a site for people that nitpick, complain amd throw hate and it's called Facebook. Head on back over there. This site is so full if helpful caring people and in this entire post you are the only one providing no help at all. I would gladly accept your opinion on the question however.

@DerekFuiten It's a joke. Lighten up. 🙂

Usually I can tell it's a joke because it's funny. Also a joke is not typical or expected when one asks for help. Do no thank you, I will not lighten up upon your sad excuse at humor when I asked a question about something that honestly us a problem for me. Perhaps if you don't have anything useful to add, just skip it? Because you certainly are no comedian.

@DerekFuiten If going to fast or to slow is the biggest problem in your life your doing pretty fucking good. Just lay attention and women will let you know anyway. It wad funny.

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