Life under our current regime. It is literally killing us.
I hate thinking about these poor people--and the level of misery the man must have reached.
A "dog eat dog" society with an "I'm all right Jack" mentality is an accurate description of the present US system, where the great god , Mammon, is revered as sitting at the top table, alongside an all powerful megalomaniac and his son.
200 years ago, this system worked to build up a nation. Now, it is working to drag it down.
This should never happen in the richest country in the history of the world. America seldom fails to disappoint.
Right! Problem is---that wealth is NOT in the hands of the people!
@LucyLoohoo The problem in this instance is no universal health care.
This is so sad - and Floridians keep electing those republicans in spite of stories like this.
There are no words to describe the level of self inflicted ignorance..