I hope I’m not the only person who is unable to find a mate that I can relate to.
What are some ways you use to get out there and make yourself available?
Two of my first questions are what are your beliefs on high powers and what are your beliefs in today’s politics.
Volunteer and be socially active. Like minded individuals usually gravitate towards like causes.
I hear you. I am in my late 30’s and dating for the first time in my life after divorcing someone i was with since high school. There are plenty of challenges in dating to start with, and I think that being an atheist seriously narrows the pool of potential partners. I just don’t think I could be compatible with someone who accepts blind faith over knowledge and evidence. And it’s not like that is my only criteria, either!
I'm the common denominator in all of my failed relationships. My struggle over the years has been in timing, I guess. Every time things seemed to be progressing to the point of romance (even so far as making plans to meet, in the case of some long-distance budding relationships) something would happen and she'd suddenly be dating someone new. I get it, life happens, but it happened a lot to me. I gave up trying. And now I don't really care. It's not especially important to me. If I meet someone, cool. If not, also cool.
In the past year, I’ve dated two guys. After a few weeks of dating (in person), they have ghosted me. ?? Made plans for next day...and nothing after.
That's just plain shitty. If they don't see it going anywhere, or whatever, why not just say so? I'm not saying that people don't naturally drift apart sometimes and lose touch, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Ghosting seems cowardly and immature, to say nothing of how disrespectful it is.
@Annalida, @resserts, I could be wrong about this, but I feel like "ghosting" has become much more socially acceptable than it used to be. It's as if people don't even feel any compunction about it at all anymore. I haven't experienced it recently, but the times it has happened were memorable.
Sounds like you're slow to the gate..gotta jump in there and secure a date from the get-go. Women instinctively respond to evidence of male testosterone, and if you are acting female (timorous, hesitant) they will go for a safer bet-the bold person who seems to know what he wants. It's not personal, it's just nature's way of insuring a fertile match.
My brothers were also slow movers.. if they liked a someone, they'd keep writing them love songs, poems, and mooning over them until another guy swept in and took the girls away.
I realize that testosterone often makes men seem like jerks, but if they are being polite while still acting masculine, it seems to attract women.
@birdingnut I probably was slow to act, but for me (in retrospect) it's fine. I never looked for the quick score, instead wanting deep connection. And now I realize that a sexual relationship wasn't really what I was seeking. I'm not opposed to it if a relationship moved in that direction now, but as my hormones have settled down a bit I realize that what I always really wanted was a more cerebral and emotional connection, and that sex was more of a distraction from what I really needed rather than a complement.
@resserts I didn't mean a sexual hook up, but getting into a "named relationship" with a girl; taking her out, calling her your girlfriend, seeming to be moving in the sexual direction with some making out, etc, but if hooking up is all that's expected these days, then no wonder.
@resserts "I never looked for the quick score, instead wanting deep connection."
"...what I always really wanted was a more cerebral and emotional connection..."
This is totally me. But I also need a strong sexual connection (I have a pretty strong sex drive - just how I'm wired) to compliment that as well. And someone who communicates well, wants to be in a committed relationship, and willing to work on any issues that may arise. We are living in a society where most people prefer to give up and move on rather than work through the rough times. Granted there are certain issues that simply can not be worked through. But it seems that more and more people choose the easier route of giving up. I think I must be an old soul in a younger generation person's body.
I guess just trying to get out and do social activities is what I've been trying to do, but I'm too broke. I just usually ask basic questions like what do you do for work, favorite music, etc. I usually wouldn't ask about beliefs and politics until it I know it's going to get serious.
You should ask about politics and religion up front, why invest and emotional energy in a ticking time bomb. Not fair to you, not fair to a potential partner either.
I will concede it’s much easier to do in my 40’s having been married before. Many men my age are either divorced with young kids or never married and wants kids. Bad for 2 reasons. One, I’m not interested in being a step mom to kids younger than 15(ish). 2) having more children is out of the question.
I think finding that person where the chemistry, and the mental repartee clicks is always a lottery. I have always been fairly outgoing and willing to start up a conversation, but still that spark is hard to come across especially when you have a few filters to get through.
I have always found it hard to a socially active person. My social contact was the bar scene, because the alcohol help to open me up. I gave up drinking, so there went that social contact. I've never thought of volunteering, I should try that. This is the first site I have ever commented on and put up a picture of myself. I have always shied away from pictures. This is a positive site for me, thank you.
I'm the same way. It was easy to be social when I was active duty military, and it was easy when I used to drink. When both those things were gone, my whole world was completely different! I also feel a bit uncomfortable even socializing online and having my picture up. But I think it's a good thing. I really needed a group like this to come out of my shell a bit.
Okay, I'm going to give you the Uncle Andy size-up & strategy.
You're going in ahead in points already -- The ink is a definite attractor and any guy is going to want to see the rest of the art.
Being in Eugene may make this a tough row to hoe. Have you considered carrying around a copy of Sometimes a Great Notion? A girl once steered me into picking her up at a lunch counter because we were both trying to catch the titles of the book the other one was reading.
But this gets us into selectivity; you've attracted a guy but you want to make sure he's on the same page as you. Be affirmative. Don't ask about beliefs, make positive statements about your own beliefs. Example: "Can you believe this story about :whatever preacher most recently got caught doing something stupid:? Some people are so dumb they'll believe anything as long as whoever is saying it has a good haircut and a voice-over voice and is surrounded by people who believe it already." If the guy bolts, you've saved yourself some time. If he comes back with "Yeah, there's been such a string of these idiots, I can't believe people still fall for it" then either (a) he's your man or he wants to see more ink and is willing to compromise his principles to do so. To choose which is more likely, (a) or
, sprinkle your next lines with with some quotes from Wittgenstein and Kant and see how he reacts. Or better yet, if you look at him and say "Time is short" and he comes back with "the years are long" then that's a definite (a). Or go for broke -- start humming a G & S patter song, you know, out of nowhere just say "on a cloth untrue with a twisted cue and elliptical billiard balls" and see if he comes back with "The punishment fits the crime."
Now I'll let you in on some guy secrets. Lead with your positives, convince yourself you have no negatives. Guys use game theory (but most of us don't know we're doing that) to get laid. As a gamer, you can leverage that, like ju-jitsu. Guys also think getting girl is a lot like fishing. You can use that as well -- do you have the right flies? Or are you using bait? And the last secret I can share about guys without getting myself assassinated is that we never admit defeat. And you don't have to either.
Just from seeing your bio, anyone can see you have plenty to offer a clear-thinking man. Focus on that -- your great value -- and get to work. Go forth and differentiate.
go where similar people hang out. that's the hardest part, finding the connection. everything else is easy.
Higher powers? The only higher powers I recognize are in the form of exponents.
Politics: Trump’s a scumbag and needs to go the way of the dodo.
Exponents, or logarythms?
Use online dating. Find your partner around the world. Not only in your area. Don't give up. Don't ever give up. You will find your best lover and the best match sex partner. All the best!
Has that worked for you, have you found a suitable partner?
As a gay man, growing up in a fundamentalist family, I spent most of my life in various forms of reparative therapy, so I couldn't really date in high school, college, and into my thirties... Which frustrates me as I look back because I was cute when I was younger, and guys liked me and came on to me... Now, I couldn't get laid in a bathhouse (joke, in case it didn't read that way).
There are so many people out there looking, you'd think we'd find something at some point.
Don't over think it. Stick to what you want to know them go from there
Grew up in Catholic School and then left the Catholic Church. Hypocritics and fairy tales but someone put us here.
Our political system needs a complete overhaul. Term limits , campaign financing with tax money. Popular vote only. The worst of each party gets throne out annually. They used to do that to cut down on grandstanding .
Yeah, I couldn't be with a Trump supporter, a passionately religious person, or a racist. Just found out an ex was racist (belittling "Black Lives Matter" is deliberately closed-minded, stupid, and racist), and I'm kind of appalled as he was one of the people I used to respect.
Now I have questions about how people feel about LGBTQIA+ as I've got kids in the closet and partway out, and none of it's easy. It might be easier if I were lesbian, to find someone who accepted these kids, but sadly I'm not even a little bit.
In general for me i prefer to have a good time, have fun and know the person. Politics and religion will come naturally in the conversation.
And also, these 2 topics do not interfere much in most of peoples lives and day to day decisions.
Non believers in general are so diverse that the lack of a cosmic superpowerfull nany to keep us together makes any big group fail. You shouldn't use periferical traits to judge and form first impressions.
I have given up. I have accepted that he & I will never find one another. Now that the hormones, the urge to merge is less intense, it is not a priority. The effort is to great. The disappointments too frequent. I have all I want except for my aspiration to be widowed. & so I try not to dwell as a watched pot never boils. This may sound harsh but his careening towards the grim reaper is of his own doing & not mine. So I stand apart & wait.
The political situation in the presidency is so outrageous that I'm concerned that people will think the kind of lying and alienating behavior that trump has is normal.
I believe there may be an intelligence out there completely independent of any silly human religion.
This is a relatively new consideration due to a scientific article I read that indicates a symmetry in the universe that seems to indicate an intelligence.
Having been married twice (women raised in the 50's are heavily indoctrinated to feel they Must have a man) I am now , hands down, the happiest I have ever been in my entire life! Be careful what you wish for!