FTArticle The Most Reverend Metropolitan Neophytos (Masouras) of Morfou of the Church of Cyprus has posted a video to YouTube that surpasses “ridiculous” and heads straight into “batshit crazy” territory quickly.
A lack of spirituality creates gay people, the bishop says, and it’s the parents’ fault for passing on “the sickness of homosexuality.”
And if a pregnant woman has “abnormal sexual contact,” like anal sex, “a desire is created, which is then transmitted to the unborn child.”
Same bishop, no doubt, who thinks 7 year olds are "culpable" if molested.......
Not possible to get pregnant with anal sex...
No evidence....@Gwendolyn2018
I understand your comment.....@Gwendolyn2018
some humans are so fricking stupid.
Not some, MANY!