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LINK Bishop claims if a pregnant woman has anal sex, the baby will be gay / LGBTQ Nation

FTArticle The Most Reverend Metropolitan Neophytos (Masouras) of Morfou of the Church of Cyprus has posted a video to YouTube that surpasses “ridiculous” and heads straight into “batshit crazy” territory quickly.

A lack of spirituality creates gay people, the bishop says, and it’s the parents’ fault for passing on “the sickness of homosexuality.”

And if a pregnant woman has “abnormal sexual contact,” like anal sex, “a desire is created, which is then transmitted to the unborn child.”

zblaze 7 July 29

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Same bishop, no doubt, who thinks 7 year olds are "culpable" if molested.......


What the actual f....! Where is that explained in the bible.



bobwjr Level 10 July 29, 2019

Sounds like a scene from Black Adder II.


Not possible to get pregnant with anal sex...

No evidence....@Gwendolyn2018

I understand your comment.....@Gwendolyn2018


LOL It sounds to me like the bishop is trying to explain why he has homosexual feelings. If he can blame it on his mother's anal sex then it's not his fault.


some humans are so fricking stupid.

Not some, MANY!

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