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Game of Thrones?

Love it? Hate it? Favorite moments? Predictions for the final season?

gater 7 Mar 16

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Love it! Hate that the next season is the last season. Favorite moments were Littlefinger meeting his end through Sansa and Arya, and Arya taking out Walder Frey and then all his male heirs. That was BRILLIANT!
The only prediction I have for the final season is that A LOT of my favorite characters are doing to die.

@FortyTwo yeah Little finger was always a mysterious character - I thought he wanted Sansa

@gater He wanted her for her uses to him. I never found him to be "mysterious". I always saw him as just another opportunistic manipulator.

@ScienceBiker Mine, too! I'll be so pissed if she doesn't survive the ending of the show.

@ScienceBiker Mine too - I love the scenes with her and the hound


"Dragon Zombie" - need I say more? 😉


Clegane bowl

Marz Level 7 Mar 16, 2018

I love the fact that we are finally seeing some bad guys get theirs, Ramsey being eaten alive, Littlefinger and Walter Frey getting their throats slashed..
And I love to see Dany riding her dragons.

gater Level 7 Mar 16, 2018

Love that show, my favorite moment had to be the Red Wedding


Where/when the hell is/are the last two books?....shit shit shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Best show in a decade. It's gotten a little worse as time has gone on and they are rushing to end it. First few seasons are the best.


Yes! Yes! Oh ya, and did I say Yes!?! ?


I'm hooked. Jon Snow takes the whole thing over in the end, but Arya gives him a run for his money. Cersei is toast, Sansa will rule the North, Tyrion starts a dragon breeding ranch, and I have no idea what the hell Brann winds up doing. LOL

Tarot Readings?

All of those predictions come directly out of my middle back pocket. Heh.

@zeuser I meant Brann will be giving Tarot Readings... hehe....


I love it.


I love that show!


One of the best series ever! I only wish the dire wolves had stuck around and had more to do with the story. I mean...why make a big deal about them at first and then kill them? Wondering if Numeria will bring her canine army into the fray....

Hadnt thought of that, kind of a Avatar idea where the animals join in the war. Could be.


Have you seen the music video Rastafarian Targerion, or Tyron Still Going Strong?

Both on YouTube and both awesome!

No I haven't - have you seen dinner with John Snow?

@gater no, will have to look that up!

@Doug_in_Colorado its really good, just youtube - John Snow dinner party - about 5 mins

@gater Ok, that was pretty damn funny!


Love it! Arya will marry Robin and train him into the most bad ass warrior in Westeros! He'll still be her bitch though.

I see Arya with Gendry


Loved the books and the series, although the violence and gratuitous sex scenes are a little over the top. Tyrian rocks.




Never watched it-not into splitting of heads/violence.

It's Fifty Shades of Blood Red.

Not into blood and gore-did like Buffy though


Can't get enough. While I'm up to date, I still haven't gotten over the Red Wedding


"you don't fight with honor" "He did".


Absolutely adore it.

Close second is Westworld. Roll on the next season 🙂


I find it hard to believe they can fit so much into a final season.


Love it, especially Jon Snow!


Never seen it


Never seen it (nor read it).

Jnei Level 8 Mar 16, 2018
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