I really do not understand the need to whip a lame horse (christianity) . Yet there are several posts whose questions, many redundant imo, that carry the same thematic blueprint.. So please explain what the purpose is.
I am not have never been a Christian (Jew, Christian, Islam) Yes I have read their holy texts, tenants.
There are some sneaky xians on here attempting to "save" us! Beware of seemingly innocent questions that actually require you to posit a gawd in order to debate/discuss the post.......
Not an option for those you could care less about religious shit!
There's not an option for those of us who were never involved in any religion
@JulyEveningStarr I don't know about who posts what, it I've met plenty of angry athrrists who were "natural born". To me, that's just another religion.
When that Lame Horse stops trying to legislate for my life, the control of my wife and daughters wombs and stops persecuting people because their imaginary god is over concerned what people choose to do with their own genitals, perhaps then I will cease to practice Sadistic, necrophiliac bestiality!