I work at a job in which most of the employees are Christian. I hear this phrase a lot both from employees and from customers. How would you respond to this choice of farewell?
Just roll my eyes.
But to "god love you" I reply "she loves you too"
I work in customer service and ore and more management at my job wants you to slap a smile and kiss a customers ass to avoid a bad survey. I just say have a nice day as well and keep it moving. No rational complaints can be given with that. I also see a lot of Catholics in my area so most say god bless you along with leaving crosses and booklets anywhere including the bathroom.
Depends on the person. Nice? "Ta, have a good one y'self'.
Not so nice? "Salaam Alaikum"
Really not nice? "(Wince) you really should read The Handmaid's Tale."
I sold my soul for Satan's eternal blessing, but thank you any way.
@Donotbelieve I rarely am, actually.
Unless there is a god added in there, I just say, “you too!” It could mean blessed with good luck.
It depends on the person or the situation. If it is my boss or a co-worker, I simply ignore the comment. If it is a customer, I usually say "Thank You" and walk away. My thought bubble, however, says "You idiot." Good thing customers can't read thought bubbles.
Same here
I say "thanks," because, in a way, since we are creating our own universes and are in fact the only god there is, their blessings are technically divine.