I was a pretty devout Christian raised in a very religious family and environment. I was also a well known gospel musician in my local area and even nationally. I built a good reputation for myself as a well mannered friendly Christian musician. I have a Facebook fanpage of 12,000+ followers and a YouTube channel with 20,000+ followers. However, I'm atheist now and I pretty much don't relate to the majority of my fans anymore. I've literally been trying to reestablish my identity in society over the past 6 years. I'm not a militant atheist, but I'm definitely atheist. I went public about it about 5 years ago, but many people that knew me still don't know or still haven't heard that I don't believe anymore. Does anyone else deal with this issue of always running into people that knew the old you and treat you like a Christian, but you end up having to explain who you aren't anymore?
Just live your life! If someone Truly wants to know, (as opposed to trying to get you back into the fiold with "thoughtful" questions!) you can just state, "This is how I feel/think Now" and change the subject, or, if feeling they are attacking, ask "Why do you want to know?" Puts the ball in their court.