They gave up any and all Federal funding, used a shelter LLC to do the construction and quietly all those idiots that can't keep their noses out of other people's uteruses. It's such a delicious story.
The tampon terrorists need to keep their rosaries off others ovaries
NO federal funding has Ever been used for abortions per se, PP assists in All aspects of female health care, such as Pap Smears, and help with curing/ preventing STD's.
It is evangelical/right-wing propaganda that perpetuates this myth!
@SeaGreenEyez I don't deny it, and the services (health care/detection/treatment have been invaluable to millions of women across the country. It saddens me to see them (PP) being weakened...just part of the war onwomen!
That's wonderful! Going private is a good idea... Keep others noses out!