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QUESTION Mysterious asteroid from beyond our solar system probably came from a place with two stars | Science | AAAS

Another link from my evil Facebook feed this morning.

First, queue Star Trek reference. Yes it looks like the Doomsday machine from the original episode of Star Trek.

Now back to Science. As asteroids go, I think this one is pretty young. Why? Because of its shape. Gravity eventually puts everything into a sphere, or sphere-ish type of shape. Even if it's the shape of a potato. But this? Clearly this is a shard broken off from a collision or explosion of some kind. It hasn't been out there long enough to be crumpled into a ball by its own gravity yet.

ScienceBiker 8 Mar 22

Enjoy being online again!

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To become spherical via gravity it must have enough mass. Most star systems are binary. This looks like a shard. A piece broken off of some other celestial objest.



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