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Is "God" a bunch of Aliens?

The very end of the first Men In Black movie struck a cord in me: the creatures playing pool... with Earth as a ball... got me wondering if this might not be a really adequate understanding of our place in relation to what's "out there.." And I wonder if there are much smarter or just other life forms in other galaxies or univereses who see us; and have the ability to address the course of any individual's life on earth ? ... even as a hobby. Are more advanced "people" or whatever we call them... really calling our shots sometimes-- in response to "prayer"-- as what we call good fate... etc, etc. just a relatively unimportant but nagging thought when choosing to focus on discussing spiritual belief.

Jlad52 4 Mar 23

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It is a good possibility that Aliens invented our religions to keep our planet from progressing and being interplanetary rivals. Remember in the "Dark Ages" when Christianity was in charge, books were burned, people were burned at the stake, knowledge was surpressed, and our civilization actually regressed.

Sort of like now. People are being beheaded, temples from antiquity are being destroyed, wars are being waged between factions of the same religion. It's just a cute as ever.


Humans are very limited in what we experience not only because of our 5 senses, but also because of our limited ability to realize the full potential of our brains. Why do we have the capacity to expand the use of our brains, but never actually get to the full potential? I guess we are only as smart as our experiences, and if we can't experience something outside of our immediate existence, then we can't understand it or analyze it's possible truth to the closest possible truth that we can ascertain. We really have no idea what this place is or what is in the rest of our universe. One example is that we only see like 0.0035% of the electromagnetic spectrum. Not even a half of 1%.

There could be other "frequencies" and dimensions all around us with life. If you have no way of observing or interacting with them, then it's not possible to know about them.

As for some people putting aliens in the same basket as a God, at least aliens existing has a higher probability in our vast universe. We already have a pre-cursor that proposes that high

The theory of evolution, in my opinion, is more likely than an intergalactic bowling alley. I don't see any minds, superior or otherwise being involved.


If they are calling the shots, then they are either malicious or incompetent.


Regardless of human myths and superstitions, the likelihood that alien civiliations exist elsewhere in the universe is extremely high and mathmatically probable. That they would be much older and technologically (and biologically) advanced than human civilization is also highly likely. I'd buy that theory in a hot second over any mystical, omnipotent/omniscient "god."


I put aliens in the same category as god.
I need evidence to support the existence of either one of them.


The ancient Sumerian texts seem to support that what we call God might actually be aliens who developed us a slave species. These texts were translated by both Sitchen and one of the well know colleges in England and both versions t alk about genetic manipulation, the failures while getting it right and their reasons for needing gold, the industrial use for that purpose which we now know to work for reapairing the ionosphere was unknown to humanity. I work on airplanes, and there is a carved motif of a God in what looks earily exactly like a small aircarft, even the specifics are correct such as proportions and angles and even the landing gear configuration is spost on. I think there is something to it. We are out there in space, I don't think it is so far fetched that so are others.


God isn't anything


You should watch Babylon 5.

godef Level 7 Mar 23, 2018

More than likely, since most ancient civilizations depict flying craft and talk about visiting "gods" and, of course, there are the Sumerian texts. These texts tell stories paralleling the Bible stories, but written 2000 years before the Bible, and from the prospecitive of aliens who genetically engineered humans by mingling their own DNA with DNA from human apes.

The origins of human beings according to ancient Sumerian texts []?


I wish I had saved the article I read in "Astronomy" magazine. That issue had articles on the multi-universe theories. One article in particular stated how, with future advancements in technology, we might be able to open a rift in space-time, shoot some DNA through the wormhole created before it closed in less than the blink of an eye, and we would have created another universe. So, will we humans be able to play god in the future? I've wondered myself how there are numerous times in my life when I felt almost guided, was it just a human intuition initiated by subconscious knowledge? I don't know (my three favorite words).


The Sumarians have a written history of alliens who used humans as their slaves. They even record the cloning of primitive man with their DNA to make them more useful. It makes more sence than the god story.

@Leutrelle -- No, the Sumerians have no such records. Nowhere in any of the tablets is there any mention of anything like what Sitchin claimed.


no, because there is clearly no intelligence in our design


Extra terrestrial means not of this earth. God and the angels are not of this earth, therefore god and the angels are aliens. I am doubtful that there is a god let alone that it's the god of the Bible. But if they were real, that would be the logical conclusion. That they are aliens.

I like to mess with hardcore christians by telling them that god is an alien. They don't realize that this is precisely what they are worshipping. An alien.

Then they might try to build a wall in space surrounding the earth to keep out those illegal aliens. 🙂


If aliens did come here and are the real basis for "gods", why did they leave?
Why haven't they come back and made their presence known to everyone?
Did they screw up so badly that they abandoned this planet altogether?
Btw, the end of the first "Men In Black" was an alien child playing with 'marbles' (which were galaxies). It wasn't aliens shooting pool.

oops.. i saw it a LONG time ago.. in my memory, the aliens were playing pool in the very first of the movies. of course, I'm probably wrong.. but same idea...


No more reason (evidence, facts, data) to accept this than traditional god(s), fairies, elves etc. Why are people so intent on coming up with these fantasies? IMHO


Unfortunately Jlad I could not figure out how to respond to you directly.
Thanks for your interest but I am already seeing someone, albeit from a different dating site.
The best to you!

best to you! thanks,


To paraphrase Arthur C. Clarke, any advanced technology will make us think it's magic (or gods). If the biblical mythologies are evolutions of the Sumerian stories of same (Eden, Adam, Noah, etc) then it's a better than 50% probability that they were aliens (Annunakki) who came down and the stupid humans assumed they were gods because their minds were blown. But at the end of the day, where do the aliens come from? I have my own theories, but this is the wrong forum...


To drop another movie reference: "Show me the money!" We need proof before we can blame all this god stuff on a bunch of Aliens


No Good is a myth


The odds are against it actually. The odds are against God also.
The good money is on we all live in a computer simulation!


The problem with the computer simulation idea is that is does not adequately explain irrational numbers like π.

@jwd45244 - personally I don't see Pie as an irrational number and I don't believe a computer would see it that way either

You dude are just weird.......




Is god a bunch of aliens? Nope. God is Jay. His word and sign are revealed to us on the face of a video store business card for all who are willing to read and hear his word. “ Be kind, rewind” and “ adult entertainment in the back” so be-it. Amen


The book of Ezekiel from the Hebrew bible is peppered with references to seemingly extraterrestrial beings and visitations. The presence in many cultures from ancient civilizations ofI similar alien artifacts also seems to point towards something from non-earthly influence. Over time this could have evolved into a God construct.


God is indeed an alien but I did not give up on a biblical alien in order to start believing in a sc fi version of a space alien. That is cherry picking. Do I believe there is other life in the universe like us? Of course. There would have to be out of sheer possibility.


Nasty, cold, creepy....just like our "gawds".

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