This occurred to me tonight as an interesting experiment , though not one I'd care to try. Selling one's soul on Ebay or other venue. Perhaps an enterprising Xian could buy it and attempt to redeem it? You could strike a bargain, were you so inclined (I would not be), that for an agreed-upon sum of money, you would for a specified time-frame do the requisite religious course of the Xian's choosing: Church services, Sunday school, even Bible readings and prayer perhaps for an extra amount. Surely some enterprising atheist has hit on this as a money-making scheme. There are groups out there that would do this to save our grubby pitiable selves. I don't have the time, the patience, nor the stomach for it. Anyone want to borrow the idea, yours for the taking! Just please report back to let us know how you fare! And if it back-fires and you end up saved, I'm truly sorry. Lol.
There is a very good book on the subject " How I sold my soul on e-bay." By The Friendly Atheist.
Sure I'll sell my soul. But hell if I would go to church or read the Bible as part of the exchange. Those activities involve my body, eyes, mind, etc. Those aren't for sale.
I sort of suggested to a woman one time that she would have my soul if we made love, but there was no true quid pro quo.
The soul equals the mind.. Check your history...
@BookDeath I suppose you're right...
@BookDeath betcha ya can get a lot more money for virginity than anybody's soul........
If I could find someone stupid enough to buy it along with my elephant in the room