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Stories have a protagonist and antagonist. Good guys wear white hats (old western stereotype). Christians have continually tried to absorb popular stories when subverting a culture over the centuries. I just laugh when I hear that type of thing. Not sure what they think of super heroes but I'm sure they'll get around to claiming it as well.


So, wait, I have a question....

If this force thingy lets people do telekinesis and super jumps and all sorts of supernatural things, then why don't they just use it to turn off their opponents' light sabers?

"Now, I've got you!"

"Hey! Stop that!"


::😕 sigh-:::




::::throws extinguished light saber handle at opponent in frustration:::


...this thread makes my head hurt...

not only hurts but reminds me why I am a 'Trekkie"...beam me up Scotty

@blzjz Yeah. Between the two, Star Trek has the far better, more positive, vision for the future

@blzjz @snytiger6


This myth sprang up about the time Empire was released, and was based on a total misunderstanding.
Battlestar Galactica (the original version) WAS based on Mormon scripture, specifically the book of Abraham Aaron spelling was a semi inactive Mormon, but saw in the mythos of the lesser Mormon scriptures and the hierarchy of the church a basis for a Galactic empire.
Hence Mormon Kolob became BG's Kobol, the quorum of the 12 apostles became the galactic ruling quorum of the 12 planets, Laminites became Cylons etc.
However for some reason by the Time Jedi came out, the rumour has switch to the more popular Star wars franchise even though George Lucas is a Buddhist.


I grew up Mormon and watched the original series and never made a connection.

Orson Scott Card, a science fiction writer who happens to be Mornon, I know ripped off parts of hte Book of Mormon in one of his books. He doesn't even acknowledge that he used parts of the Book of Mormon at the end of the book... which makes is plagiarism.


Reminds me of the kerfuffle about DaVinci Code. Great Bast - it's fiction - who cares what it is based on!


Aaaannnnddd, i care because.....?
Shouldn't he be volunteering in a soup kitchen or homeless shelter?


That's a joke. It's Arthurian, if you listen to the guy who wrote it.


The story follows Campbell’s Monomyth template.

So does the story of Jesus.


I had read somewhere that George Lucas said something like he basically took all sorts of cultural icons and tossed them in a blender, and that's how he got "Star Wars." That makes sense to me.

He followed the Joseph Campbell template of classic story structure of myths around the world. Most (good) flilm writing courses will cover the classic story structure, of what makes a good story.


I've heard that story since the very first Star Wars came out. OK, let me see if I got this. Darth (Lucifer) Vadar is really Jesus Luke's father. That just about does it.


Lucas took from a number of different sources, so, yeah, the Bible was probably one of them. Frankly, if Jesus was a bit more like Rey I'd be more inclined to go to church.


Yeah, whatever. I pay no attention to such b.s. and neither should anyone else.


Oh FFS, these Christian types will grasp absolutely anything and turn it into something 'biblically' related won't they.

Yes, they will.


More like the King Arthur stories to me. 🙄

I agree, substitute Uthred for as the baddie and merge Morgan le Fay with Guinevere and you resolve the love triangle. There you have Star wars


You got the force and the dark side of the force - clearly a parallel to good and evil..

MrDMC Level 7 Dec 15, 2019

Technically, the concept of a battle of god and evil was adopted into Jewish beliefs after they were conquered by the Zoroastrians, and the Jews took that belief from them. So, the battle of good an devil isnt' even originally a Jude-Christian concept, but is a plagiarism from a different religion.


That is funnier if you know it was actually based closely on a kurosawa film called three bad men. Good film, a lot better than star wars, and not based on anyone's bible.



More like Lord of the rings methinks

PatP Level 3 Dec 15, 2019

So it is, that galaxy so far, far away it only exists in George Lucas’s mind.

That means George Lucas is god and not some vague out-dated deity.

Works for me!


So True....They are both complete and utter fictions


He might be into something, because jesus is as phony as Jar Jar Binks.

Jar Jar Christ? "Mesa die for yousa sins!"

Jar Jar may be the more believable character.

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