Wow. A little intelligence on the Right. 3 whole persons.
This insane lie by Pelosi and 3 Rethuglicans allows TrumpOLINI to continue all illegal wars everywhere except "in or near Iran".....what the fuck war profiteering rages globally in BOLIVIA UKRAINE AFGHANISTAN IRAQ YEMEN PHILIPPINES PALESTINE LEBANON @ SEA UNDER sea against dope dealers for dope dealers et al ad infinitum
Breathe, Larry, you are going back to ALL CAPS
@AnneWimsey victims are not breathing at all in those countries ruled by USA
@Larry68Feminist I know that,and appreciate your passion...but stroking out helps nobody.
@AnneWimsey there is zero change in "volume" when letters are changed in size.....this absurd net taboo discriminates against vision impaired people and our desire for meaningful EMPHESIS life and DEATHS @ stake
@Larry68Feminist I know that, but in your case the Uppercase indicates serious meltdown, yes?
@AnneWimsey " N O "
@AnneWimsey quiet and easier to read pay attention to message and quit inventing gibberish assumptions
Baby steps! Not all of them are sold on the Armageddon thing.