Basically, they want the school to point out the people whom they want to hate and discriminate against.
You can directly thank trump and the obstructionist republican fascists for stealing our rights, protections, and safeguards wholesale right in front of us!!!
It is time for all those Christians to find themselves an island that they can move to and live there forever happy as can be. Now let us see what can possible go wrong on that island?
Then they can inflict on that island their own demise under the rapture they all seem to want to go to their religious paradise!!!
How can we help them get there soon?
@of-the-mountain We need to start a crowd funding for rowing boats.
People like that would be better off hanging from meat hooks in the desert. Dirty fucking hypocrites who want to hurt kids and proclaim their piss head religious rights...... fuck them.
That would just make stupid human jerky. No animal or insect would eat it.
These are all the same people who preach the word and then sneak out in the middle of the night to fuck sheep.
But only the cute ones, who are asking for it!
@praytothemilkjug unless you are a supreme court justice who really like Beer, lots of beer. Then consent is not an issue.
At what point will trans kids be able to sue their Christian parents? Before the end of my lifetime I hope!
Twice in one day I'll say,what happened to thought shalt not judge? That's apparently reserved for God, I'm not religious, but was forced to attend many years of Sunday school. Apparently some people missed their classes.
Maybe they went to a lot of classes.
"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them." Chapter 20 verse 13. Leviticus.
This is what you get when people are "morally" inspired by books from the Bronze age
@dermot235 I may be wrong, but old testiment is Torah, and that predates metals.It was all oral, and then maybe in the bronze age they wrote it down.
@praytothemilkjug Correct. The Bible is a made up story about the past that was written in the Bronze age. (Old Testament anyway). There was nobody back in the garden of Eden taking notes. It's a big Bronze age fairytale
@praytothemilkjug Torah, bible and Koran, all share the same stories, it was the messiah that separated the people. What is it with humans, always wanting to look at differences instead of helping each other grow together?
@girlwithsmiles I believe it was the politicians,(priests and kings etc), who caused the problems all over Gelt. MONEY MONEY MONEY. Or power, or land.
The Jesus myth is what drove women out of power in society. Once Jesus is in, women loose a lot or respect and influence. The Jews made them second class citizens with Adam and Eve, (the rib crap), then the apple, women bleed and suffer monthly because SHE ruined virtuous man. Along come Islam and they make it at least as bad as Jews and Christians.
And it took religion to legitimize slavery, the taking of property and enslaving the newly broken people. Or just saying they are possessed and then torture them to death. Heck there was no TV/Radio. They had sex/drugs/public slaughter.
Abortion was not an issue until one of the French monarchs said the use of abortifants and leaving babies for the wolves, was illegal, because it robbed france of a potential soldier. His buddy Pop whatever then wrote an encyclical that said it was a mortal sin against god because it denied the church of another soul to save. (I believe the king was one of the Phillips)
gay sex was also not an issue as you needed heirs to exist as long as you could even if you were a bone smuggler. You had 1 option become a nun or a monk. Many monks were homosexual. They could do it behind cloistered walls, they did good works, (free), no one cared. Nuns same thing, or they were prostitutes, or the children of one.
Read Stranger in a strange land, by Robert A. Heinlein. He predicted the future of 'Ligion. And the Movie "Wrong Is Right" is amazing as well. (done same times as NETWORK, also amazing.
@praytothemilkjug there’s too much in that by far.
Christianity and all religions have been bastardised throughout the ages, there were old pictures of women at the last supper that got painted over, Mary Magdalene got made into a sex worker, (not that there’s anything wrong with that, if there’s no cohesion, which there usually is in one way or another).
Yes, many wrongs/ most wrongs involve power be it German money...or any other type, even just ego tripping.
Back in the day people thought royalty were gods, so not sure what you mean about slavery. I’m pretty sure that back in cave men times big fellows would have used their strength to rule, which isn’t exactly freedom for those doing the bidding.
Gay sex was not an issue...I’m not sure either way. In the upper classes I think it was better understood but working people had to be more covert due to homophobia, which could be fatal. Unless you were a lesbian of course, because that type of relationship didn’t count. Unless you happened to not marry and become homeless due to not being able to inherit.
As for nuns, it was a safer option for some who had nothing or whose families were trying to force them into marrying undesirables. But some women and men have always wanted to, ‘marry god’ and do good things too.
Like you I’m only offering opinions based on what knowledge I’ve garnered over the years.
I would like people to escape religion’s walls and wake up, from my point of view, but at The very least would like to stop it impeding others lives and causing murder and conflict.
Does he predict that? I jolly well hope so. I fear more polarity is likely though as is happening with finances, and conflict and misunderstanding will become pronounced and dangerous, as we start to realise we are changing too late to preserve the small temperature range that we can survive in.
Let's see the us your genitals
Hey, Sharia Amerika, coming soon, with all new laws, we peek at balls, etc.
So, In the 1940' Germany, it was show us your papers. Now in the 2020's in the USA its show us your groin. So, we are going paperless.
remember if your a boy and have been clipped and must be a Jew, that would be punishable all by itself! I worked with guys who would have dropped their pants to show there status lest they be jews, or muslims.
It saddens me that such Christian parents suffer so much personal insecurity that they need to use gender as an excuse to persecute other people.
Umm, the school keeps records on that? Why? IMO far more of a problem if so
Because of course that’s what Jesus would do! Fucking bigots!
I bet there is no policy to inform parents when there are red head kids attending the school. Outragious! We must all be informed when red head kids try to get an education. They might make NORMAL kids want to dye their hair red, or maybe green, or maybe they might make kids want snort cocaine off the teachers butts. This can not be tolorated!
Maybe they have succumbed to the nonsense of why people go to the "wrong bathroom." The right is responsible for a lot of this. In the 60's in Germany we had unisex bathrooms in Nurnberg without any problems.
I remember the spa in Austria I went to had unisex change rooms.
There are parts of France where nobody cares about gender in bathrooms.
@anglophone oooohhh. Just like in homes........
Here's an Idea. Have One restroom for Male, Female and Transgender and have a separate restroom for Catholic Priests.
Any Port in a storm is for boats, I have checked public WC's for ladies and stood guard so they could get it over with so Any Port in a soon to be Storm, (soon to be, if not fixed)
Well it will save them a lot of time not having to hunt them all down individually. They're just trying to be efficient in their manic persecution of God's enemies.
And if shit like this pisses you off, and it should: contribute to the battle against Project Blitz, the organized Christian Nationalist attack on everyone not themselves:
OK, they want to puts kids in conversion therapy. Has it already been proven that does NOT work? More hateful spite from Christians
True that, Jews and Muslims would just stone you to death given the chance. Many years ago I watched a stoning on Youtube. A woman and a guy were not being perfect, he was punished she was stoned, to death. As the stoning started she fell, a guy stopped it, (I though finally, sanity). Her skirt rode up her leg exposing her under waear, he pulled it down stepped back picked up a cinderblock and crushed her skull, as others screamed and threw apple sized rocks at her. the same sized blocks here in NY are 65 pounds each.
In Isreal, drive a car on saturday, they will stone you. You can be a "reformed" Jew they will stone your car......which is work, so go figure.
Many Christians suck shitballs for breakfast, but many are nice, just stupid and hypnotized!
They are just stupid and insensitive.
Too much money, too much time on their hands.
Sure, cause that's the "christian" thing to do. At least they are not going to burn them at the stake.
I think that's over. I think,,,,,..........
The Articles of Authority that the katlick church used to "Legitimise" the Spanish Inquisition are still ensconced in the Vatican Vaults and could be reinstated tomorrow.
@johan17 And then it's weiners cooking over an open fire.
Why all the Profile Pics of Dogs and Jesus....Just sayin??