If you distill all the wrongs we see in America we come down to one over arching factor - cash, bottom line profit margins and the bigger the better.
It is used to fuel racism, religious bigotry, incite division all to consolidate wealth and power.
Sadly I have no idea how to end it or improve things other than vote and hope I can influence others to do the right thing.
Nonprofits or limited-profit businesses to take the place of these. In many cases, I see instances of bussinesses that should probably have limitations put on them like utilities, especially limitations on profits. But I also think we need better restrictions on such businesses, like a limit on executive pay. It doesn't make much sense to me for a power utility to be paying its CEO millions... but their profits are limited? Come on.
This might not be a popular opinion but here goes... Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
Ummmm, what crime, exactly, has been committed? Certainly the children are innocent! And seeking asylum is lawful, and even trying to sneak in is a MISDEMEANOR. how about if we cage up your kids next time you jaywalk.......?
@AnneWimsey is this an immigration issue? I thought it was prisons in general... They said children were charged as adults...
@Cutiebeauty they are talking about the cages they throw immigrant's kids into..
@AnneWimsey ah.. I must've misread it.. My mistake...