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Perhaps because of the superior testing? Less resistance to follow directions re; social distancy?


Germany has had an aggressive approach to public testing, which has accomplished 2 things: Identified those who need to be quarantined, and identified those who are infected, yet have sub-clinical presentations. The second group are the ones that are not showing up on North American radar, and thus their official statistics reflect only the groups with the worst presentations. Do I want to be infected? absolutely not, but morbidity is relatively low, and overall mortality is very low. It is a problem with absolute numbers that is concerning from a public health perspective. Even a low percentage translates into a large number of sick people, when you are talking tens of thousands of cases at once. The good news, and the reason to remain optimistic, is the fact that most people survive this with relatively minor symptoms.


Sorta not true. That was 3 days ago. The rate today is .75% of cases that have been confirmed.

most up-to-date stats::: []

AND:::: In italy, any one who dies after being tested positive is designated a victim of the virus. Even if the person was thought to die in days from other issues. This is not helpful.

There is not enough data to have a real idea of what it happening. China continues to lie. As does Russia.

We have no clue what is really happening in india, africa, south america.


It shows what effective and proactive leadership does with universal heath care, we have non of that

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 28, 2020

Germans wash their hands.


This is what happens when you have real leadership. Some say Angela Merkle is the leader of the free world.

i guess that is certainly much truer all the sudden based just on our diff realities, eh?


Drosten, whose team of researchers developed the first COVID-19 test used in the public domain, said Germany's low fatality rate is because of his country's ability to test early and often. He estimates Germany has been testing around 120,000 people a week for COVID-19 during the monthlong period from late February to now, when it's reached epidemic proportions in the country, the most extensive testing regimen in the world.

And that means Germany is more likely to have a lower number of undetected cases than other countries where testing is less prevalent, which raises the question: Why is Germany testing so much?

The Coronavirus Crisis
"We have a culture here in Germany that is actually not supporting a centralized diagnostic system," said Drosten, "so Germany does not have a public health laboratory that would restrict other labs from doing the tests. So we had an open market from the beginning."
In other words, Germany's equivalent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — the Robert Koch Institute — makes recommendations but does not call the shots on testing for the entire country. Germany's 16 federal states make their own health care systems.
When Drosten's university medical center developed what became the test recommended by the World Health Organization, they rolled these tests out to their colleagues throughout Germany in January.
"And they of course rolled this out to labs they know in the periphery and to hospital labs in the area where they are situated," Drosten said. "This created a situation where, let's say, by the beginning or middle of February, testing was already in place, broadly."


Beer and sauerkraut are known antivirus agents!

The sauerkraut is anti viral

@bobwjr didn't I just said that?

@Mofo1953 Well, you also said beer is antiviral. Is it?

@Joanne can't you read?

@Mofo1953 I can. And I read this: "But before you reach for that bottle of your favorite brew, harboring dreams of winter-illness domination, be warned: Since only small quantities of humulone can be found in beer, researchers say a person would have to drink about 30 12 oz. cans of the alcoholic drink to benefit from the anti-virus effect, AFP notes."


And, seriously, why did you feel the need to be so rude?

@Joanne i don't. I just reply with an obvious question.


We in the US are way behind in testing due to our capitalist healthcare system and its neglect of our public health system.


They're probably praying harder than those other countries and prayer sounds better in German anyway.

Nothing sounds good in German. It sounds like belching and sneezing.

They aren't

@Sticks48 Entschuldigen Sie bitte ? Maybe the German population is just made of hardier stock! A serious population purge, like losing a world war, may have contributed to a re-energization of the genetic material? Plus, we are standoffish by nature! No hugging in the streets!

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