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Sorry, Bud. It's the other way around.


But wait! No hell to burn in forever........


Obviously someone who is just saying what they think to be true because they certainly haven't asked any atheists. And not wanting or not liking something is not the same as being afraid of it. I have no fear whatsoever of death, just not looking forward to the transition.


What a load of BS. I fear death less as an atheist than I did when I was a believer.


I am not in the slightest bit afraid of dying but I hope it will be a reasonably quick and painless end!! I don't think many creatures other than humans have an understanding of death. I watched a video of a guy shooting a wild hog down in Texas and it had a few youngsters with it when he shot and he said he felt a bit bad about the situation until the piggies came back to 'mom' and very calmly started eating the blood she had lost. There are not very many wild hogs that are killed in very rough terrain that are recovered. The others will return and eat them. If a chicken has a leg broken in an accident they might panic for a moment but then settle back down and go about their business, they will also eat their own blood if they are bleeding enough to drip some of it to the ground. I apologize for being so graphic and I hope I made a point. I do believe that the people that fear death most have more fear of 'where they are going' after death.Possibly wondering if that lifetime of being soo pious is going to pay off. As I see it worrying about death is about as productive as worrying about water being wet!!


And people who make statements like that don't know what they are talking about!!!!!


Almost every living thing is afraid of dying. It's the end, the unknown. I've seen lots of religious types show fear so this is, as usual, a load of unadulterated horse shit that some ignorant cretin spews to try and justify his (or her) irrational belief in something he can't see, hear, touch, smell, taste, or in any other way be detected.


I recently read religious people were more afraid of death. But of course truth is unimportant when Jebus is on your side.


Fear of death is healthy response

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 28, 2020

Another, can't wait to meet Jesus, but not just yet, hypocrites. Remember these guys are scammers and their income comes from conning others.


Gee, I dunno... hardly any time was more sincerely religious than the Dark & Middle Ages, and people were scared shitless of the Red Death, the Black Plague, and so on....


Ha! Nope. There are only two options, either those neurons just stop firing and being dead is just like before we were born. Its not like we suffer. Or, consciousness continues in some form . . . and then sweet! Lucky us! So, nothing to be afraid of either way.

I whole heartedly agree


Christian 'Historian,' what a complete misnomer that title is imo.
I'd take even money bets that he wouldn't know ACTUAL history if itv got up and bit on the shiny arse of very expensive Armani suit.
And the same bets that he believes that the earth, Solar System, etc, etc, was created at nightfall before Sunday, October, 23rd, 4004 B.C. as according to the calculations made by Archbishop James Usher.
Is it any wonder he talks so much shit, there's probably a detour from his large intestine to his mouth because his head is wedged so far up his arse that it was causing severe and chronic re-current Constipation.


My husband did not believe in God and he was not afraid of dying even though he wanted to continue to live as long as possible.

I've known several religious people who were terrified of dying and spent their last few years worrying about the event instead of making the most of what they had left.


Not scared of the corona virus and I don't really fear death, so much as I just try to avoid it. After all chances are this is the only life I will have, and I am curious to see how things come out.


Hey if you love God then give the Lord a break! It gets boring having absolute power and omniscience. Glory!


Years ago when I believed in a God I was afraid of dying because I was convinced that I would do something wrong that would offend him (or her) and end up in hell. Now that I am an atheist I am not afraid of dying because I know that there is no hell.


A christian "historian" is such an oxymoron. Does this guy equate being cautious in order to protect yourself from a virus and heeding scientific advice to being scared to die? As opposed to what? Going to service without a mask? I believe this idiot thinks we are as stupid or more than they are? What a fucking loon!


I'm also cautious of places a brown recluse spider might be, because they're poisonous as hell from what I hear. And rattlesnakes or other pit vipers. Sane people avoid pain and death if they can.

Plus, I don't go skydiving because I have a fear of the ground.

I don't fear the ground, I fear that really sudden stop when I reach the ground.


The man is delusional.


I mean I am afraid of death, because its logical, its the reason why we as a species survive, becaude we want to avoid death, but the ironic thing is that religious people might be even more afraid than anyone, becuase they made a whole giant story about how the world was created, just so they can sleep at night.


Not really new, another xtian tells propaganda lies. It would be news if he told the truth.


What a Dick!


Another idiot who knows not of what he speaks. Funny thing, I am a mental health counselor, and people of all stripes struggle with fear of death and dying. But honestly, I see far more devoutly religious people who are terrified by uncertainty and potential death than I do freethinkers. So much for that "living in the palm of God's hand" thing.


I don't believe in your god nor do I fear death since only the physical body dies. Everything that lives dies, from the lowest blade of grass to animal and human life, but, life goes on and is always recreated and we all return to the physical, material world.

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