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LINK Why you need to wear the damn mask (opinion) - CNN

I hope you're all wearing masks if you go out and about.

HippieChick58 9 May 10

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I keep gloves, masks, and sanitizer in the car so I have them and don't forget them at home. I was on a military base yesterday, the difference between the base and the general population was on the order of a magnitude. While masks were being spotily worn in the general population, on base not only was everyone wearing a mask, I only saw one person that was not wearing it correctly.

Yeah, military families are used to being more disciplined. When I was an Army wife, if I did something wrong, my then husband's commander would be notified and that is not a good thing. Family members can be kicked off base, and if they are overseas the family member can be sent back to the US.


I absolutely do. Every time. And it's stunning to me how many people aren't.


I do, but small portion of my gender that refuse to do it. Most likely Trump supporters'


I wear one because I like to keep your nose & mouth crud OFFA MY FACE!


The willful ignorance is astounding.

That's the part that gets me. They know better!
Like the fool who said god didn't make him with a mask. Well, you weren't made with clothes either but you don't run around naked. F'ing idiots.

@freeofgod Precisely!!!

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