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When did you join and why do you stay?

I joined July 2017, and at the time only a small handful of people were on here with me. For a long time I was a regular on the chat boards, but I developed some relationships with people that became problematic. No blame, it was what it was and I decided to leave. I thought I might give it another go.

paul1967 8 May 15

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Came for the dating site part, but now focus on community (unless the opportunity arises). Not sure when I signed up.


I joined in Oct of 2017 after seeing a plug for this (then new) site on FaceBook. I’ve stayed because the conversation is generally more polite and less moronic than on other public sites. I stay because I enjoy getting to just be ME, not having to hide my intellect or lack of religiosity.

Zster Level 8 May 15, 2020

Agreed, exhausting trying to find common ground among the believers that are your friends irl. Nice to let your hair down and not be judged as a horrible person for not believing in their fairy tale.


October 9, 2017. At the time, it was almost euphoric to be so free of the religious that surrounded me in real life. In many ways, it's still a respite for me. I've met a tremendous number of amazing, interesting, clever, and intellectually stimulating people here ... and enjoyed lots of cat memes. There were some growing pains that resulted in me taking a couple of breaks, but I always come back. I recently ran across a document from back in the day that listed our "real" names, and I was reminded of how many people I miss. I'm glad you came back, @paul1967.

Lauren Level 8 May 15, 2020

I miss some of those folks that are gone now. it's a lot different than it was back then in the old

It is, @hankster. For one sweet little heartbeat there, we felt kind of invincible, didn't we?

@Lauren we did. felt like we were breaking some kind of rule. that's a fun feeling.

@hankster Yeah, it is. Maybe if we hang in there we can do it again some time.

@Lauren I hope we can. 🤗


I joined January, 30, 2018, saw the advertisement in my messages, I had already deleted my Facebook account.

I wanted to meet like minded people and to hopefully find a relationship with someone who is atheist, that became important to me. I was tired of dating religious men, same outcomes and disappointments.

I met him and I am currently living with him in Virginia until I can go back to work, but I'm torn, don't want to leave but I have my grown children and my parents back where I live.

I stayed here because of the friendships I have made through this site, some in person and some just messages. I have met some really cool people here, so that's why I stay!

Welcome back to the site! Hope it's a better experience this time!

@SeaGreenEyez I came here to live with him until I can go back to work because of the pandemic. Now being here, I don't want to go back, he wants me to stay.

My house is paid for and other things, but yeah we can make it work! I love him so much! Him and I make sense, it's so natural!

Thank you!!! ❤️🌹🎊🎉🤗🤗🤗

@SeaGreenEyez That's great about your friend! They make it work with the hurdles, that's what it's about!


dec 2017. as imperfect as it can be sometimes it's loads better than FB. and there's occasionally some rather bright folks on here and pictures of their cats and stuff. win win.


August 12, 2018 - my dad told me about it and I thought I would give it a whirl. You know what, everything in life is what you make it - I have joined a ton of groups which make me happy. For the most part I manage to stay away from the negativity (unless I am in a mood then watch out 😁 ).


I joined 1 year ago.

I stay because I can be openly and fully atheist here without repercussions.

It’s true that a few people here can be real assholes. But I guess that’s true anywhere.

@VeronikaAnnJ nice word.

😮 😛


I joined March 30, 2018. I stay because I can be myself here, without incurring the wrath of people here in the Bible belt when I tell them that I'm an atheist. Welcome back, paul1967. The more, the merrier. 🙂


November 2018. Initially landed here for the prospect of finding a mentally stimulating romantic partner without the deal breaker of religion being an issue. Not the best dating site, and after stumbling into some bear traps, left for a while as well. Recently came back for the community aspect and simple stimulating conversation, better equipped to avoid the bear traps, and am glad I did. The site is formatted in a way that makes it pretty easy to focus on the aspects that you find rewarding and interesting, and equally easy to ignore the aspects that aren't your thing. .


September 2018.
I joined aiming to find relief after getting overwhelmed with religion vs surrounding me.
Entered a few great groups and made wonderful friends.


Joined nearly two years ago. I initially came for dating but stayed for community. I stay because it gives me something to do and the population here is generally more engaging than the other sources. Facebook, for instance is a place I go to keep up somewhat with family, but most everything on there is drivel, outside of important updates. I think here it is both a good and a bad thing that there are not so many users. I would love to see more secular minded types. On the other hand it is easier to engage in discussions with a smaller membership. I love a lot of things about Reddit, but the discussions there go tangential so quickly and with so many participants, one's comments get soon buried.

I also stay because I am hoping the membership will continue to grow.


Pretty much ditto for me. I gave up the dating site notion after a couple months. A respite from facebook. I increasingly detest Zuckerberg, but I have family that are on there constantly with whom I like to stay in touch.
This site is for the conversation and secular commentary on current events, where I allow myself to filter/edit myself very little.


I joined April 2018, from a face book ad. I am staying because I enjoy the interaction with like minded people or at least like minded on some fronts, although I do enjoy some different opinions too.

. . . sorry I couldn't resist . . . 😮 🙂


Welcome back to the asylum.

December 7, 2017.
I stay for the cookies.


I've been a member here since Oct. 2017. At first I was curious about possibly meeting a nice lady but we are all so spread out all over the world and few nearby. I now stay to express myself about religion, or lack thereof, where usually in real life I stifle myself a bit so as not to offend friends. Also I stay for intellectual stimulation.


I joined March 2018, after learning my boyfriend's trip to Maui was actually to stay in a cabin with a ladyfriend he forgot to mention to me. Caught him in a lie for the last time, good bye. So, I saw an ad for an agnostic dating/conversation site, so I thought I would dare to join and flirt with the idea of dating, but soon realized there were no members in my geographic area, but I stayed for the discussions and conversations, and I'm actually very happy with that.

I can read what I want, answer to what interests me, be helpful or funny, or even serious if that's what comes up. At the end of the day, after the mindless Facebook posts have numbed my brain, I pull up this site and there's usually something new to ponder.


Joined December 2017 we have a great community here. The day that I joined I was actually at rehab due to a TBI (traumatic brain injury.

Sincerely hope things have gotten better!
With the TBI


April 1st 2018. From Feb 2019 to Feb of this year I had taken a break from this site, the arguing between some members that occurs on here from time to time got to be too much after awhile. Came back as I had missed chatting with some people who I consider friends.


Sept. 25 2019
a) I'm kinda 'afflicted'
b) see photos 😮 😛


Joined Nov 2017.I am agnostic but have very little in common with or agree with the majority of the people here.but one does not have to agree with people to have interesting dialogue .I also stay because of the other groups on here that I can better relate to .


I think I joined back in either 2017 or 2018 and have stayed ever since.
Yep, there can often be some people here who tend to be 'problematic' so to speak,there are also 'Trolls' who pop up from time to time as well but on the whole this is a truly GREAT Site and, imo, far far better than sites such Facebook ( Zuckerbook as I call it) could ever hope or aspire to be.
So, I recommend sticking with it, take the good with the bad, after all there is always both good and bad no matter where you go.

You joined November 16th 2017. You’re one of the originals.

@paul1967 Fair enough, thanks for that bit of info.


Joined 10/25/17. Forgot about

My first post, "Are You Lonely?" in Spring 2018 got over 100 comments.

This motivated me to write posts and participate. And I was off!

I love the intelligent, funny, wise and kind members. It's a joy.

It's always a joy - and often a hoot - to read your posts! Thanks for sticking with it.


Thank you, Lauren. Hugs, Kathleen


Recently April 2020. I am actually looking for similar minded partner. I became more regular for the last few days as I got a semester break. I liked this community because people here are more intelligent than usual people. I found this app as less fancy and not profit oriented. That's another thing I loved it.

I also appreciate the lack of commerce aspect.


Apparently I joined on April 8, 2018. I had to look that up. I have to say that I'm barely hanging by a threat here in terms of staying. I'm barely around anymore. I'm more like, I'm just going to keep my membership and drop in whenever I'm bored, mostly because I've gotten to this level and it would be a waste to just pack up and leave. I'm just leaving my bits here to come back to whenever.

That’s exactly what I did for a long time and I have no doubt I’ll do it again.

Can't say I blame you, sometimes I wonder why I came back here...


I was told there would be cake.

There has yet to be cake, but I hold out faith that there will one day be cake.

I’m an Acakeist and I suppose there’s a chance a cake will become available, but what if there’s no cake? 😃

@paul1967 I don't want to live without the possibility of cake. I have seen the wonders of cake. I will die a believer in cake.


I joined after I saw an ad. I stay because it's interesting, challenging, and educational.


I joined in February of this year. I'm not sure why I stay, exactly - maybe I'm hopeful that I'll strike up a friendship here.

It hasn't happened yet, though there are many here who I like and respect.

@VeronikaAnnJ Oh! I didn't mean dating! LOL!

I'm happily married to a wonderful man who I DON'T expect to fulfill all of my social needs, that's all. 😁 Sometimes a lady just needs friends.

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