Why women remain in religious sects like this is beyond me--brainwashing into feeling inferior, I guess.
IT IS GENETIC:::: Women are more group oriented, and more religious.....Amazing how many lefters, screaming 'science' about everything else refuse to understanding ANY of the research that shows, over, and over, and over, that women are more likely to choose the group over themselves.
Astounding! "STay Stupid!" Seems to be the demand from the left-polers.
As with ALL brain-washings, including nazi, chinese, islam,.... Reinforced stupidity will force children to adopt whatever when threatened. Genetic predisposition is an easy starting point.
I was a member of the church of christ.
To a person who is a member of the church I would say humbly, love doesn't demand obedience, love makes no demands at all.
For the same reason that there are still catholics - the story & the ritual.
And selective memory loss.
Never seen a stain glass window depicting the story of the inquisition.
I agree with your point, of course, but I’ve noticed that people seem to be missing the bigger issue. The fact is, they shouldn’t be holding prayer sessions period.
I’ve never believed. I was dragged to an evangelical Baptist church, but it was just bullshit. I couldn’t believe that the adults took all this nonsense seriously. It didn’t help that, due to my narcissistic mother choosing me as her scapegoat at an early age, i was already stubborn and oppositional.
I’m the only openly agnostic/atheist in my family. My son is, but doesn’t discuss it. My daughter is Xtian and politically more to the right than I had hoped.
The rest of the famdamily: Republicans, Trumpers. One sister in law homeschooled all five kids.
I read the headline and my brain said, nope ain't readin' it. I some how knew from an early age a lot of what my mom was saying was bull shit. An unhappy woman who managed to break out of the company town coal mining region of upstate PA. Thing is she married a man who took the role of husband and father real serious, he is the bread winner and his wife tends the home and kids.
It's a WONderful ideal. Neither of my parents were very religious but society dictates we are suppose to behave a certain way and there in lies the tale. Mom's approach to child rearing was divide and conquer so while there was never any clear abuse there was this mild sort of weirdness that as a loner by nature I shielded myself from but was still effected by.
Neither parent was super religious, dad was raised Catholic and as the youngest was pegged to be the priest in the family (I guess it's a thing for the Catholics) but he rebelled and for much of his life was atheist. He sure knew the Bible and would say it really is a good read, lots of great stories.
Mom was Methodist and that was the church she took us to. She would drop us at the front door on Sunday morning. By the time I was 12 I had had enough and refused to go. I was forming for myself a pretty good bullshit-o-meter. It was societal norms more than religion but those norms do have a basis in religion. I broke away from it but my identical twin did not.
Lots of wonderful comments thanks for posting.
@Gwendolyn2018 My twin has moved further to religion as she has gotten older, she voted for trump and like religion swallowed the republican mandate - tho she has decided trump is not a good person. I have a younger sister who is pagan - these freaks my twin out, and that amuses me greatly.
I left NJ when I was 20 and never went back but during one of my many visits back I chatted with my mom and she saw the difference between us pretty much from birth. I always played well alone and Di needed to seek out kids to play with. There is something to being able to stand back and observe. I think in some ways most families are disfunctional and it's to what degree we take that out into the world. DAMN, just look at trump!!
It’s called conditioning! In certain cultures and religious groups girls are told that they are of less importance than boys and they should be subservient to their brothers and fathers from birth. Their mothers were conditioned to believe this too, so the idea is deeply ingrained. This means that boys are also conditioned to believe that they are superior beings, and as the mother also believes this, she perpetuates the male domination from generation to generation. Men have created god in their own image and religion reflects their belief that they are superior beings to women, it is quite clearly a misogynist’s charter. It is rather like subliminal advertising...these women actually believe that God ordained them to be subservient to men because they’ve heard it so often it has entered their subconscious thinking . The origin of this one mentioned in the article ..this particular discrimination against women, is taken from a couple of lines in the bible , therefore it must be true..the bible is the written word of god after all...isn’t it? Therein lies the problem..the word of God! Written by man, for man, and for more than two thousand years men have used it to subdue and subjugate women. Not all men believe this nonsense thankfully, there are many more men, even religious ones, who treat women as equals. No, it’s only those who cling to these male ego-boosting biblical verses because it inflates their own ideas of male superiority and dominance.
A lot of women feel inferior without religion.
@Gwendolyn2018 Yes, unfortunately true. They never say what kind of reward women will get in heaven though. Maybe I would rethink may whole idea about being an agnostic if I was promised that in heaven I can torture some people that I have come across here on this earth, he, he.
Would someone please explain to me why the heck there is even a prayer going on in a government session in the first place ?
Government and religion have always worked together to screw people up... Especially women and minority groups.
@Gwendolyn2018 It happens just about everywhere, but how can this still be going on?
@Gwendolyn2018, @NakedTruth nothing like starting off every session of dictating the lives of the populace with discrimination.
IT IS GENETIC:::: Women are group oriented. Lots and lots and lots and lots of research about women being more religious than men.
Just witness the insanity of muslim women covered in black in the desert railing against the US.
Aristotle and the Jesuits got it::: Get them young and fuck them up right.
Ummmm, if you are in 120 degree heat, (with swirling sand sometimes!) and you are 98 degrees, and moisture retention is a huge problem because water is not readily available, it makes A Lot of sense to keep to 98 by insulating yourself with clothing, slowing down moisture loss & keeping the sand away as much as possible, you dumbass.
@Gwendolyn2018 no, in response to Jacar's assertion, just above, that wearing lots of protective clothing proves Muslim women suffer from "insanity"
@AnneWimsey They are being forced.
What 'his honor' is referring to was actually mainstream Christianity for thousands of years. Women weren't ordained as ministers in most Protestant faiths until fairly recently--some religions, including the one in which I was raised--have yet to take this step, putting them on par with the Catholic church. The greater problem here, IMO, is something the Framers recognized: the endorsement by government (in this case, City Hall) of religion.
It was one of the main contributory factors to the RC church extirpating the Gnostic sects, especially the Cathars.
They held men and women to be equal and both sexes held the priesthood.
Scandalous n'est pah
These vermin are worthy of the guillotine remedy. All or our miseries can be traced to male usurpation of exclusive leadership in human societies and the crime against the other more than half of humanity, women and children, of turning them into mere property.
The struggle for homeostatic balance after more than 6,000 years is far from over.
While I don't like the pessimistic feel to your comment I sadly have to agree. It is difficult to accept that humans have been struggling with this for 6,000 years and still don't change - I guess that's why I liked the movie "Groundhog Day". I will add it really isn't just the males, women have been throwin' their sisters under the bus for far too long.
@silverotter11 I fully agree with your point of view on many women but must qualify it by offering the perspective that it is an unnatural reaction to imposed circumstances akin to Stockholm Syndrome, wherein captives identify with their captors and acquiesce to fulfill assigned roles in order to please and because it is the only identity option open to them to act within. In places where genital mutilation of females is routine, women do the organizing of it, while males (of course) actually perform the deeds.
How I evaluate female behaviors in our time and place is always colored by the damage done to them; just as one must do in the cases of males, who don't survive it as well but have a Hell of a 'field day' inflicting it.
You would think that people would learn from the past. Jim Jones, David Koresh, ect.
@Gwendolyn2018 agreed
History always repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce.
The Scientology "Flag" in Clearwater, FL, is probably 80% female. There are videos on YouTube of buses dropping and picking up Scientologists and it's majority female.
I have never understood this either. Given my dislike of adult supervision, like complicated math, it is beyond my comprehension.
@Gwendolyn2018 lt is about overcoming centuries of brain washing. It is still perplexing.
@Gwendolyn2018 You most definitely have never come across as one who would put up with or buy into bullshit.
@Gwendolyn2018 Good for you. It is a much better way to live. It is better for men to have strong independent women in their lives. We always do better when partnered with a strong partner.
Brainwashing has always been misogynistic in all religions.
@Gwendolyn2018 well, good for you then with the modern pagans.
@Gwendolyn2018 whatever works for you, great. I myself prefer to heed Groucho Marx's advice: I would never join any place that would accept me as a member!
have to agree and yet its women who are often the ones going to church these days
@Gwendolyn2018 that's not likely to happen the control structure inherent in the church system requires males to pretend they are in charge. While females pretend to be subservient, but all the while it's the females demanding this system remain in place as the threat of eternal damnation is what is used to control the males. Both sides rely on each others fear to control each other. Heck of a system