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LINK Minneapolis mayor calls for arrest of police officer who knelt on George Floyd′s neck | News | DW | 28.05.2020

At least he's committed to something out loud. Too often leadership is silent. Someone needs to do something. 😓

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 28

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A token arrest is a sham....all 6 criminal cops need to be jailed without bond for calling the murder " medical distress" the routine of covering up cop victims in Minneapolis


Arresting and actually getting them convicted are not synonymous. Look what happened in Baltimore a couple of years ago. They all walked.


He's the mayor.. He call an arrest.. Isn't the mayor in charge of the police?

@SeaGreenEyez the mayor can order arrests immediately, can't he? Regardless of trump..

@Cutiebeauty You'll notice he did not order he asked. Different cities have different charters. Some mayors have lots of power and some are just figureheads. When I look at his duties on the website it appears he does not have the authority to tell the police chief or county attorney what to do.

He is a Democrat and has worked on affordable housing, homeless issues and was even given a Martin Luther King award. His speech today will probably be very effective.

@Cutiebeauty, I don't know of any city where the mayor can order an arrest. The most any mayor can do is ask the Chief of Police to arrest the person.

@mcgeo52 he asked the Prosecutor/District was in the story.


Cool 😎

bobwjr Level 10 May 28, 2020

Should have been immediately suspended pending criminal charges!

@SeaGreenEyez, karma puts these four cops in prison within a year. That should be a lot of fun for them.

@mcgeo52 They should put them in prison now! How long is this going to drag on for? Who will check the coroner's report if suspicious? These guys intend to walk, since no arrests have been made yet. By firing them only, and because they're cops, murder will be treated differently??? The evidence is there on video, he was knee'd by the neck, he struggled to breathe, he pleaded so, the cop didn't care. ...even the public pleaded. How long does it take for someone to suffocate someone? Quick right? That's murder, this is murder!

@TimeOutForMe, they should be in jail now being held for trial. It will probably be at least a year before any of them end up in prison.

@mcgeo52 seen enough of police brutality in South Africa. Cannot believe this is still happening. I'm sick to my stomach. These bastards must rot in prison.

@TimeOutForMe, no argument from me.


How about a good ol'fashion lynchin?

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