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LINK Goldfein: ‘Every American should be outraged’ at police conduct in death of George Floyd

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Dave Goldfein denounced the death of George Floyd and the conduct of the Minneapolis police who killed him in a strongly-worded memo Monday night.

HippieChick58 9 June 3

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I am outraged what that animal George Floyd did to the pregnant woman by sticking a knife into her stomach after he and the other animals broke into her house .

fedup Level 6 June 27, 2020

The pathetic liberal sheep care more for this criminal than his poor victims .A sad and pitiful Commentary on today’s society.

No one is saying that George Floyd was a saint. He was sentenced to death by a cop for trying to pass a counterfeit bill. Regardless of what was in his past that cop had no business being judge and jury. Floyd did not receive due process. He did not resist arrest, he was quietly waiting for the cops. That cop brutally executed him as his partners stood by watching. This is not right, it is not justice.

@HippieChick58 I agree it’s not justice ,it’s called karma.

@fedup No that was execution by police officer, never a good thing.

@HippieChick58 I seriously doubt the ignorant cop intended to kill Floyd. There was a camera aimed at him so I doubt he intended to kill. I think the cops in the USA are very poorly trained. Basic first aid should've alerted the cop his restraint with knee on neck could be lethal. The council or government who employs the cops are at fault for inadequate training and not quickly weeding out the 'bad apples'.

@MsDemeanour I don't think the cop cared. They have such a mindset of controlling the cattle that they don't even regard minorities as human in the very worst of situations, which I think this was. And yes, all cops need more training. They need deescalation training. They're a bunch of big boys with guns and a god complex. This is happening way too often for it to be dismissed lightly, or again. There is a serious dysfunction in our police force that needs to be addressed now. Cops should not need to be militarized.

@HippieChick58 Yes I agree I don't think the cop cared. He had a history of this sort of behaviour and believed he was safe in getting away with it.

@granny Where did the ‘liberal’ come from? Putting labels on people that you know nothing about is not intelligent.


Yeah, so much for the "Land of the Free, etc," spiel that is always bandied about.
As well as the " Bring us/me your poor, your disaffected, etc, etc," imo, that should be amended to read as "ONLY bring us/me your Poor, disaffected, etc, IF they are White and European Descent, etc,"
As an complete outsider here I'd say that the widely shouted American 'motto' is as much a load of horse shit as is the bible and every other so-called holy book.
Time to Wake Up U.S. of A, in my opinion, the world has been changing steadily for decades around you whilst you've been stuck in the mire of your own creation, the U.S.A. has gone from meaning, imo, " United States of America" to meaning "Utter Shithole of Ambiguity, etc, etc."
No-one except yourselves wants to buy into the 'American Dream" any more, we've all seen what it really is, it IS a nightmare comprised of Racial/Ethnic Hatred, Coruption, Organised Crime beyond imagination, Arms Dealing, Nepotism in extremis, War-mongering, etc, etc, and random needless killing of innocents at home and abroad to say the very least.


This is as it should have been. Those cops committed murder.


The problem about George Floyd is about Americans. The prejudice & hate here is profound and widespread! Blacks, Jews, Native Americans. No, hate is NOT just about Blacks! We need school education. Each of us must "correct" people that illustrate their hate!

Atlas Level 3 June 4, 2020

You cannot expect anything else if your leaders don't live and govern by example.


other countries have better working ideas and we should slowly integrate them all

Imho. NOT slowly BUT rapidly before you Americans wipe yourselves outt completely.


Trump could use his own power and stop these acts with a Presidential order creating a group overseeing all complaints of police abuse and mandating automatic firing, or an end to federal funds for individual police departments.
That won't happen. Mr lawlessness and disorder wants intimidation

Lol. Thats like wishing for a gold plated toilet

Imo, Trump is as useless as Tits on a Bull and the blame lays squarely not solely upon HIS shoulders nor any President in particular BUT the entire WHITE populace of the U.S. and the Constitution as well.

Police unions are too powerful. They protect bad cops. That would be the first place to start reforming.

More likely he’ll pardon the cop, seems to be the way these days. Then erode some more laws protecting human, animal or environmental rights while everyone is, ‘being outraged’.


You know, I’m actually starting to think that what happened to Mr. Floyd is wrong.

really hope that was sarcasm

I read a post that said, "well he was trying to pass a counterfeit $20"......ummm, that deserves the Death Penalty with the nearest cop the Judge, Jury, & Executioner?!??! Leaving aside it might have been innocently done, or not, we all need to be afraid, very afraid........


we need to reprogram or add training too many are dying for nothing

Or, take away training from the Israelis. Do not take this as anti Semitic- many police departments either directly, or through those trained by, are instructed in techniques employed and mastered by the Israeli defense forces.

@Beowulfsfriend I am Jewish by descent, by heritage. I take no offense at calling out Israel’s deadly treatment of Palestinians from the creation of the State of Israel up to the current day. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

How about a return to "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY"? For everyone... since when is a beat cop (or any cop) Judge, Jury & Executioner? Would/is this safe for Anyone?

@AnneWimsey ? To whom are you referring, Innocent until proven guilty

@AnneWimsey thats really never been the case in this situation. It wouldn't be a return to anything.

@Bobbyzen did you read the second sentence in her post?

@Eazyduzzit I wasn’t talking to you.

@Bobbyzen I realize that, but since your question was already answered in her post, I was just pointing it out for you.

@Bobbyzen Hey who died and elected you as the new God?
Everyone here is entitled toexpress their opinions, not just you UNLESS you have a mandate signed, sealed and given to you directly by God that is, which I most sincerely doubt that anyone could ever have anyway.

@Bobbyzen every single person has a right to a lawyer, a trial/hearing, and etc. Jeffrey Dahmer had all that! No cop should ever be judge, jury, & executioner because You could be next...ever inadvertently pass a counterfeit $20? (Sure?) Jaywalk? Sleep peacefully in your own home .........only to be invaded & shot for....nothing?
(Oh & interestingly enough, the supposed counterfeit $20 Mr Floyd passed has never been seen, ever....but he is dead because he was presumed NOTinnocent, or maybe it was all just because he was black....I incline to the latter theory.... )


Yes! I am outraged. We should imprison the officer who murdered George Floyd, and the officers who stood there watching, without trying to stop it.

I agree 100%. If you see injustice and do nothing to stop it you are equally guilty of that injustice. That officer watching could have prevented that death. I hope he suffers the torments of hell, and some prison time would be good as well.

@FrankA The officer who watched the murder and did nothing to stop it was, for that very reason, complicit in the crime.

@FrankA we both agree that it was misconduct to be complicit in that crime. We both agree that he needs to change his ways. We may or may not agree that a prison sentence will help him realize how serious his misconduct was.

@FrankA Agreed. "The torments of hell" goes a bit overboard. The trial may be hellish enough, and a prison sentence many be hellish, too. I agree that he must change his ways, and whatever will convince him of that -- a trial, and maybe prison time -- will be sufficient.

@FrankA Life in prison is what Chauvin deserves. At the very least, he should be kicked off the police force.

@FrankA If they ever put me in prison, I hope I go to solitary confinement. My butt is an exit only!

@FrankA Seriously, you think that was overreaction? Have we met before?

@FrankA We may differ on what we consider the torments of hell. And since hell is a imaginary construct we can each decide what the torments of hell are. Yours may be different than mine.

@BestWithoutGods "Misconduct" my Aunt Fanny's arse ( and I don't have an Aunt Fanny either) that was blatant accessory to MURDER and should be treated as such and be subjected to the FULLEST extent of the Law.
Just because they wore a uniform and carried a tin badge does NOT make them automatically Saints and Martyrs, you can put a uniform and badge on any stray, rabid dog and it will remain just a stray rabid dog.
Each of them was involved, either directly or indirectly, in the wanton, willful DEATH of a Human Being by Suffocation over an ASSUMED counterfeit $20 bill, ergo each IS as GUILTY as the other.
What PRICE do you personally place upon ANY human life I ask you?

@Triphid oh, and has anyone ever actually seen this supposed counterfeit bill?

@AnneWimsey Asfar as I know the answer is a HUGE No.

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