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A guy on here told me "The modern western woman is useless to society as a whole" & said that my reply to him on his ludacris comment was a bunch of "emotional drivel." ๐Ÿ˜‚ How are women useless to society? Lol. This is a perfect example, to me at least, of someone who has some deep rooted psychological problems with women that is probably learned behavior from personal experiences. Actually quite sad. Doesn't mean I have to (or anyone for that matter) tolerate discrimination though. Thank you Admins for the block feature! ๐Ÿ˜‰ lol.

VeronicaAnn 7 June 5

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" ludicrous and emotional drivel" Are not logical arguments. You could perhaps list the things unique to women that make them useful to society.

@Gwendolyn2018 I was hoping for a list for my own benifit. As a recluse (and high functioning Asperger's Syndrome person), being "useful to society", is a nebuloous and/or ambigous concept for me.

@Gwendolyn2018 Hey, don't go getting your knickers in twist here, no-one is actually putting down women as far as I can see.
But, physiologically speaking, there ARE things women can do that men can't and vice versa as well.
Though it may interest you know that men who work as Nurses (.i.e classed as Male Nurses as I was for years) are most often cited by female patients as being far more empathetic, sympathetic, gentle, caring and over-all more understanding towards their patients.
That citation is especially prevalent in the fields of Mid-wifery, Paediatrics and Female Medical and Surgical Wards simply because Male Nurses have a somewhat deeper respect and understanding of the 'embarrassments' that women patients experience, particularly when it comes to shaving the female genitalia area.
When it comes to child patients as well, the Male Nurse is usually more gentle and caring, etc, towards the child mostly due to them having that often inherent 'fatherly instinct.'
Until Florence Nightingale came along during the Crimean War ALL nurses were of the Male Gender FYI.
And it has only been in the few decades or so that the stigma attached to Male Nurses of them ALL having to considered as being Gay/Bisexual has eased off somewhat, these days you will find that approx. less than 1% of all Male Nurses are Gay/Bisexual and, like myself, are as straight as arrows with their sexual preferences.
So, both women and men do have places and productive uses in society as a whole and thee is no real need to be discriminatory towards either gender.

@Gwendolyn2018 "Sexist attitude" you say, Hahaha I say.
You know virtually nothing of nor about me, you are merely making false assumptions and jumping to conclusions imo.
3 WHOLE years to get your MA, I'll see your 3 years and raise you 3 years of studying General Nursing, 6 months of Paediatric Nursing, 6 months of Psychiatric Nursing, 6 months of Trauma, Accident and Emergency Nursing, 8 months of Full-on O.R. and O.R. Recovery Nursing, well over 12 months + of Mid-wifery WITH a sum totsal of assisting the births of 161 babies in hospitals, 1 babiy via radio link with the parents some 300 kilometres away from the nearest hospital, 2 babies delivered in the back-seats of cars and the last one delivered on my lounge-room floor because the moter went into labour in front of my house and 12 years of Body and Victim recovery with the State Railways of N.S.W. Australia PLUS 2 years of Volunteer service with N.S. W.State Emergency Service.
ALL of my Qualifications ARE 100% real and worked bloody hard for to attain.

@Gwendolyn2018 I never knew that nurses were male prior to Florence. Thanks for educating me. ๐Ÿ™‚

@Gwendolyn2018 OMG! I had not realised that such prudishness and Puritanism was so rampant. I still shake my head at the way Christianity has tried to rule every aspect of everybody's lives over the ages. The more I look at it, the more it looks like fundamentalist Islam.

Thank you for sharing.

@Gwendolyn2018 Is all this and more detailed in your three links above?


You don't have to expend your energy on twits like that. seems to attract a lot of twits who think it's their job to "enlighten" us.


There could be no society without women. They are essential to society. ๐Ÿ™‚

Yes, because sciences have not yet created a truly artifical Uterus nor can women supply their own sperm to fertilize their own ova as well.
But I've personally seen quite a number of female Fettlers working on the Railways as well as a number of female Locomotive Drivers and the odd Fitter and Turner from time to time and do they put their every effort into the job and often work harder than most blokes as well.

@Triphid I think you will find that science would be more interested in creating an artificial vagina rather than a artificial uterus.

@dahermit Possibly but they've gone so far with IVF so the next logical step might be to create an artifical uterus after all most Sex Change Surgeons these days can turn what was once a penis into a vagina anyway.


Heโ€™s the sort that make men a toxic ingredient in society โ€” less than worthless. Heโ€™s not worth a minute.


When we have lived through the nightmare of this current administration in Washington, DC, iconoclastic, misanthropic comments are heralded as risible and ludicrous! Thank you very much!


There are a few of those 'incel' types on here. A bit sad really. I will think about that when I work a shift in A&E during a pandemic!


Hmmm, sounds to me like you struck on of those VERY sexually frustrated types with such an attitude and personality that even when he was child is parents had to drape string of sausages around his neck BEFORE even the dog would go near him.


Women are very useful. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

I have never thought of a woman as being useful, kind of a strange concept for me.


That Guy is in a very low place. Highly (I mean lowly) Macho Negative. I wonder how many there are like him that contribute the shape our country.

Too many


Perhaps he prefers modern eastern women?

nope. he likes "traditional" women that know their place and are aware of their designated roles as breeders and do not challenge his Youtube, logical, male brain. heh

@demifeministgal As in "Woman, know thy place!"? Yep.


I will say this, and I'm not defending him at all, the ability to strike up a relationship with a woman has become much more difficult, the rules have changed. This is a good thing, I think, as for the future things will be much more equal. Until then, men are stuck trying to live in a world that has changed with rules that totally conflict with their early learning, to make it worse, some women didn't change, some did, and parsing the difference in the short time it takes for the first interaction to go bad or good can be confusing, doing the right thing becomes much more important. I'm a take it or leave it type of guy and I don't need a relationship nor do I avoid one, I have no wish to hurt anybody in any way. Our society is changing, for the better, its a trying process, change is good.


I think that prick blocked me when I challenged him on his obvious misogyny. So he is still here parroting his same vitriolic message against "western women"? He's like a dog with a bone or with it's favourite treat, obsessed and can't let it go!


Was that St Sinner or Jacar? I vote for the fool with horns.......

@VeronikaAnnJ I cannot find The Senate on here...where do I look? You all seem to have a lively time!

He's an A1 jackass too.. the horny one, I mean. But, veteran229 wins the ass-wipe award.

@VeronikaAnnJ I bow to your wisdom!

I need you to tag me too! I was unable to find the post or comments in the group senate. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ



This is likely to happen again if you keep playing with gun wielding conservatives. That's a dirty sandbox.


His definition of useful is useless.


Had to be a trumper moron

bobwjr Level 10 June 5, 2020

Modern western women are far from useless.

Pimply faced incel men, on the other hand serve about as much interest as a shit flavored lollipop.


We know him.

He performs oral on his guns and jerks off to Fox News and Trump tweets.

Ohhh is that what they are doing with those dag nab it guns! lol Geeze I need to get out more!!!!!

Give oral to a gun, probably while it is loaded. Creates quite a mess.


He's a dirty filthy anus!


Stay picky, stay alone, enhance your abilities and awareness, and a match should come along. What you described should be easy to spot, and easier to avoid. Stay strong ~

Varn Level 8 June 5, 2020

Who was it?


Dang, that must not be it because that name didnโ€™t come up. Iโ€™d like to see what theyโ€™re posting and see if I want to block them, too.

@Apunzelle try veteran229.. My bad๐Ÿ˜Š

@Cutiebeauty Thatโ€™s the ticket. Ooh boy, heโ€™s an, uhh, interesting one.

@Apunzelle interesting? Dont you mean ...
Dirty flithy anus! ? ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š


Oh my gosh, THAT guy!

No wonder he doesn't show his face. Just his filthy, poo fondling fingers.

@Athena yes! That THING! he's the definition of flith!

@Athena I blocked him last year and told him before his worthless 2 inch penis is smaller than his brain

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