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That piece of shit needs to have his life destroyed.


What is the psychological impairment that conservatives all share that makes them such monumental dickweeds?


He is so mentally defective that he is highly dangerous.


And quoting some biblical sayings prove ????

It proves that he is an obnoxious idiot.

It proves that he is a world-class expert in believing in something that does not exist. Perhaps this talent is why he cannot believe in racism, something that does exist.

@anglophone I meant from his perspective. People often do this and feel it gives a definitive answer. Unfortunately, to many like them it does work.

@JackPedigo And the asshole that I am has no time for such cognitively deficient people. Oh, and thank you for sharing that perspective as it is new to me. 🙂


Saying bat shit crazy bullshit like that makes them more popular among deplorables.


Maybe if he took a moment to pull his head out of his arse and cleaned the shit out of his ears, he might actually get a glimpse of the reality we all live in?


Racism doesn't exist? All my life I have heard religious people talk about how black someone is while I've found so many white people wanting to get a sun tan.


What a racist ass.


Maybe he shouldn't exist




In layman's terms...this "boy" is full of BULLSh#t!"


I mean, it definitely comes down to what one means by ‘systematic racism’.


My dad's father was a preacher in Birmingham, Alabama in the 40s and 50s. He spoke regularly from the pulpit about the sin that is racism. His sermons against racism caught the attention of Sheriff Bull Connor. Sheriff Connor put my grandfather in jail for preaching against racism on a regular basis.

Kudos to your grandfather!


I'd lay even money bets that this dick-wad, Charlie Kirk, is a Trump supporter and a part-time employee of the Fox Media network.


Unfortunately, the link only provided food for more criticism but little for trying to understand why racism exists.
Yes, racism definitely does exist. However, race does not exist! In a former message I quoted the later but left our the former. My mistake. "Biologically, race exists because humans have a need to categorize. We have evolved strategies to minimize the amount of mental energy we must use. By categorizing people we can come to conclusions about how to interact with them without expending time and energy interacting with them." There are lots of studies to show that homo sapiens is, outside of a few cultural and cosmetic differences is a homogeneous species. A couple of sources out of very many:



From the onset of humanity groups/tribes have fought over resources. The scarcer the resources the heavier the fighting. I propose that, over time, that animosity from one tribe toward another remains even though there may not be a resource scarcity. This tribalism becomes racism. The only way to get away from this form of pain, death and discrimination is through learning and knowledge.

Your last paragraph is 100% accurate. We are tribal in our evolution and will never get away from that. But we can learn that we have choices as how to act about the "other" tribe.

@starwatcher-al We can learn but there are so few teachers. Also, when people are doing without they often revert to their basic nature. I personally don't see how things can get better when we keep increasing the demand ( by 80 million net a year) for limited and shrinking resources. The more of us the lower the chances for a working democracy.


"Fuckball" was a word invented for him.


Then less attention you give him the better.


Degraded, degenerate, deluded, deplorable,...

We can count ourselves lucky not to be like that. But, how do we live with such people? They really need forcible deprogramming, therapy, or a lobotomy.


Racism doesnt exist, except in people's mind. Racism is an imaginary superiority. It's not real, because all men are created equal, as the constitution states? That's imaginary too. Once you step back from (yourself) and observe as an "outside" you can see more clearly what's real and what's imaginary. Most of these imaginary statements are designed to boost the ego. I'm right, you wrong, is all about the ego. If you can come to a place in peace and stillness, and cut out all the chatter, and focus merely on being, in the now, ??? Anyway, simple observation of events without reacting emotionally to the event. A group of black people kicked a white guy and another white guy looked through his wallet, after he died and his neck was misshapen.


Like, rain, snow, fog & etc do not exist, becuz he says so........


Living in the deep depths of the culturally supported delusion that is religion...and then some.


Like cheap shots!!!

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