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If given a choice between making election day a federal holiday in the USA and Juneteenth a federal holiday in the USA, which would you choose and why?

Given the choice of one or the other, which would you choose?

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TheMiddleWay 8 June 19

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Why choose? More Holidays!


I tired of being given only bad choices. I want both. We need a federal holiday for the native Americans as well.


If election day were a federal holiday, the buses would not run. That would be counter-productive to the reason folks want election day to be a holiday.

@Bobby9 , Wow! Where I live now, there are no buses at all. But I used to live in a big city and buses ran for only 5 hours on Sundays and not at all on holidays.
They also had shit routes, made it very difficult for anyone who had to rely on them.
At one point, I lived 6 miles from work and would love to have taken the bus to avoid all the parking drama and other worries. But alas, the only route that would have gotten me there took 45 minutes and would get me to work half an hour early or 15 minutes late.

@Bobby9 , population 400,000

@Bobby9 , where public transportation is concerned, that is an understatement. In a city laid out in a grid, they chose "hub routes". (have to take a bus to various hubs, transfer, and hope the next bus goes somewhere near your destination). It is an oil town so they'd prefer one drives their own car.
If they can't afford their own car, fuck 'em.


I'd say neither, not a big fan of holidays to begin with, but if I had to choose one I'd go with Election Day.


Voting should be done by mail, then there is no need for a day off. I know Juneteenth is an important day but in my case it is just another day I work for normal pay.


There is no reason to have to make such a choice. Americans are known for being workaholics. The European model demonstrates that shorter work weeks and longer vacation time dies not impair productivity. In fact productivity is potentially increased by less stress and less overworked working class. Therefore, we could afford to fo both and have both as Federal holidays.

t1nick Level 8 June 19, 2020


Won't bite. I want both. No less


Black Lives Matter. They are the only one besides Hipanics and Native Americans that have an historical right to this claim.


Both, Govt. employees could use a couple more paid holidays.


I choose election day. Juneteenth is important and should be remembered but election day has real consequences.

If election day is a holiday, it's not only an opportunity to celebrate democracy, it allows more people to get to the polls and actually participate in democracy. It will increase working class representation in the selection of our leaders which I believe would be abundantly beneficial.


Why not both

bobwjr Level 10 June 19, 2020



juneteenth. summertime is better than november for holidays. it would be a burr under the saddle of the racist types. and I don't really see people voting more because it's a holiday. polls can stay open late. or we could do mail in voting, but really both makes sense.

we could make the anniversary of the Battle of Little Bighorn a national holiday also. june 25-26 a two day wing ding.

I'm a laughing. everybody wants to change the question.

@TheMiddleWay don't you know in America it's a mylifematters world. followed up by what's for dinner?

@TheMiddleWay it's all Burger King's fault. they kept saying "have it your way" and people took that to heart.


I would choose to make election day a federal holiday because it would be a greater avenue to achieving equality. Making Juneteenth a federal holiday is also a good idea, as we should be celebrating as a country, the choice we made to give all humans rights and freedom, but the productivity of such a federal holiday being a path to change is not as great. And we really need some change.


I support both. Democracy Day would be great. Juneteenth will be easier to implement because it will coincide with most schools being closed anyway. Election Day Holiday would piss off the voter suppression crowd.

barjoe Level 9 June 19, 2020

@TheMiddleWay Juneteenth is a done deal. That's is going to happen. Democracy Day is s pipedream. I would support it. It won't happen this presidential cycle, maybe never. I don't like hypothetical. Just making a comment, not playing the game.

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