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The coolest and/or most adventurous thing you ever did?

TravelinTom 5 Apr 6

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Not so much adventurous, but cool.
Dived off a maxi yacht in teh Whitsundays because there was ot wind, 150 metrres, say 800 feet deep, 5 miles from closest land and swam around. While out there a whale and calf came through between us and the boat so I was stuck in the water for about 2 hours, they were so close I could watch the calf feed.


My Uncle Sam gave me an all expense paid vacation in sunny Viet Nam. I got to camp out in beautiful settings.

Points for adventurous!


The coolest was touring with Willie Nelson followed by playiing on stage behind Willie, Leon Russell, and Johnny Gimble. The most adventurous would be the almost three decades on the road playing music.

If it were a contest, you win for cool.

@TravelinTom It was at Willie's picnic. Exciting and scary at the same time.

I attended his Zilker Park picnic in the 70s.

@TravelinTom They could get pretty crazy.


I climbed to the summit of Stromboli (a volcano in the Aoelian Islands) at night and watched it erupt. You see the flash of brilliant red light first, then the boom hits you in the chest. Then the smell of sulfur and the shower of ash. Finally the splat of lava bombs falling all around.

Edit: Fixed the name of the mountain.


Well I trek both East and West of Himalaya and did back to back the Everest Base Camp and Annapurna Base Camp a total of 31 days and I enjoyed it.

Rosh Level 7 Apr 6, 2018

I'm not particularly adventurous, but I've earned my open water SCUBA certification and dived a wreck off the coast of San Diego. I also moved to a foreign country I'd never visited, at the age of 39 - lived in Germany for 3 years and traveled quite a bit. That move offered the opportunity to be in Berlin when, then-candidate, Barack Obama, spoke at the Siege Säule, and shake his hand.

I just got my open water too! What blast! Have done several reef dives and dived two cenotes in Mexico.


I was an adventurous college student who left a group she traveled to Israel with and ventured on her own in Israel with a 40 lb pack and only $100.00 for a month. I can write a book.


I went to China before they opened up to the West, I found it very sweet and in all my time there I never heard a child cry and think htat was possibly because they were held so much - was there to give a talk on what was happening therapy wise in the West because they were starved of information - the talk was to a large group of psychologists when we arrived at the venue the psychologists themselves were cleaning up the lecture theatre washing windows with newspapers etc - It was strange to see such difference (catch any of our psychologists cleaning up) I loved everything young men carried the elders to teh hospital on their backs as a mark of respect and huge roads were full of bicyclists- I have never been any where more different than the west than it was possible ot be!

Very cool.


I got to the summit of the Mont Blanc many years ago , obviously with a guide . Around the same time tried bungee jumping .

I bungee jumped too it made me laugh and laugh so much I was chuckling for days

@jacpod So Did I after the screaming finished , probably just hysteria or the vapours

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