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you can drag a person to science but you can't make them understand.😞

Donna_I Level 8 July 17, 2020

But, can we drag him to the horses water through, and shove his head under?

@BirdMan1 hummm🤔 as much as I would like to have anything get through... I doubt it would work. 🙂


Go ahead and open churches, MAGA religious idiots. Sing hymns together.

Watch parishioners get sick and die from COVID-19. It's your fault.

Hope survivors sue you.


Picture the scene if you will;
London 1940, air raid warnings and people hurrying to shelters. Wondering if their homes will be there in the morning? All except for one southern baptist minister who exclaims "You can't tell me to put my lights off or draw the curtains. I am an American citizen and I know mah rights"
Three special policemen form a cordon and drag him into protective custody as angry housewives try to beat him to death with cooking pans and rolling pins

@LimitedLight No, people were not so bloody dumb back then. There was plainly a common enemy and folks got behind the message.
Take Churchill as a prime example. Most will know him as a great orator and leader. Fewer will know him as the enemy of the left. An aristocratic strike buster who still thought in terms of the British empire. Yet his cabinet consisted of socialists and union leaders as well as a press baron and industrialists.
The point of my humourous rant was to show the absurdity of our current situation. The biggest enemy in the US and for that matter, the world right now is not socialism, popularism, China, global warming or even Donald Trump. The biggest enemy is COVID-19 and until everyone recognises that, things will not improve much.

@LimitedLight I get that and our idiot is not much better. We actually have a worse per capita record than you so far. I think we should ignore them both and follow the experts. More importantly, we should get everyone else to do so too. There is nothing to be done about Trump till November and even then he's POTUS till January.


When pastors see their collections shrinking they use fear to boost them.


I've got news for him: the communists won in November 2016.

Nah, Putin is far from a communist, very, very far.

@BirdMan1 there is no difference between Putin today and Putin 30 years ago. Everything that matters is the same. The absence of totalitarianism is Just an Illusion.

@BitFlipper I was referring to the idealist Communist, not the Soviet version, but, otherwise, you are correct.


Doesn't he know Joe McCarthy has been dead for a long time, now? Or, does he just look up from his bible just long enough to make imbecilic pronouncements?


Considering there are not many communists, what a win that would be. These asswipes, give me money preachers have no concept of political ideologies. If Jesus had been real, he would have been an absolute socialist.
Honestly, communism looks great on paper. It can not work because humans are too self centered and someone will always rise to become a dictatorial leader.


As an outsider to the faith...Christianity seems to be basically communism + theism. You just lose total control of your rights and livelihood to a religious government instead of a secular one.

The big difference is in the religious version - you do it willingly through childhood indoctrination!

"Stay closed on Sundays and religous holidays."
"Dont hire LGBTQ folks"
"girl/boys are not allowed or expected to do these kinds of jobs"
"this business is blasphemous, ban it"
"this clothing is offensive, don't sell it"
"this book is blasphemous and offensive, burn it"
"Dont serve this animal meat or we will shut you down"
"Dont sell this drug, it evil, we will shut you down"

These are the communist-like business/rights laws that already exist in Christianity and other religions. And when you think about it...these are the very laws modern political Christians are actively inserting into government, if not already inserted in the past.

Not Communism. Communism has never had a real chance (for better, or worse) on the planet. whatever regime has claimed is has been a dictatorship, instead. Maybe it would have had a chance in Chile, except for American intervention. Castro may have started out with good intentions, but clamped down on the proletariat that Communism was originally about.

@BirdMan1 i dunno man. Like capitalism, communism needs good leaders to thrive, but only capitalism can survive bad leaders.

Consider this: think of both systems being on opposite side of a spectrum that can devolve into oligarchy or monarchy in the middle. If bad people come into control for either system its bad for both systems.

So what do we do? Lets say we decide to install a democratic government with checks and balances for both systems to regulate both systems.

In this scenario I feel capitalism has an edge because it can be regulated by a government that has a lot of power and limited assets to exert its power. So we essentially have a seperation of power and assets. But if bad people get elected in government that favor companies, capitalism becomes out of control. So we elect people who will strongly regulate capitalism to rebablance the system. So capitalism can survive bad leaders with democratically elected government.

With communism its flipped: the government starts of with assets and the people have the power. But as soon as you have elected leaders, now both power and assets belong to a single government. Even if the government was originally run with democratic elections, It will rapidly slip into oligarchy and eventually monarchy because there is no seperation of power and assets.

This is why communism will never work. There is no seperation of assets and power. If you can fix that, then maybe communism has a chance, but I'm not holding my breath lol!


Crazy is as crazy does. Perhaps he was dropped head first onto a concrete floor at birth.


Communism & Capitalism + Bad for people.


There are only 2 major communist countries (China and North Korea) and 1 ex-communist dictator (Putin). Trump made them all winners you hypocrite asswipe!


This MAGA cultist pastor is too ate up to even reply to. He would not get it.


Did he say "We're with you Ronnie?" St.Reagan?

@BirdMan1 yes, he is referring to President Reagan, the late great Kenny Everett was at the height of his fame in the 1980s, before his sad premature death in 1995 after a long fight with AIDS


Why are they so obsessed with communism?

Because soviet/maoist communism is as close to a secular religion as you can get and to a godbotherer the level of adherence and devotion it's followers have to something they cannot control or charge for is truly frightening.

Because they aren't real thinkers. Religion does tend to hamper people's intellects and undermine their capacity to think and question in a logical and intelligent way.

Because it is "Godless." We have the "under God" bit of crap in the national anthem, because Eisenhower wanted to amplify the differences between the US, and the USSR. I think there might also be a bit of trying to associate Atheism with the Communist "threat.

@BirdMan1 That's "pledge of allegiance", not national anthem.


The Communists are already winning with American Capitalists exporting American jobs to Communist China enriching that country, and American evangelicals supporting Trump who has supported Putin and Russia (although no longer technically communists) at every turn even over the USA throughout his term. Churches have done as much to support Communism as anyone in America.


What a fucking moron

redhog Level 7 July 17, 2020

"Communists", is it?


Ooops, too late! (Tired of winning: 1917, 1945, 1949, 1959, 1975 ...)


Long Live the Communists.


Yeah, communists, I like the sound of reformed druid. He knows their needing money.


The worst threats to freedom are communism and religion... China, russia,... and islam. 3/4 of the world's population are RULED by these fascist gangs.

And the leftists in the United States, and Europe,... support these mental illnesses in the quest for control.

JacarC Level 8 July 24, 2020

I've heard that capitalism is the exploitation of men by men and that communism is the other way arround.

It is true that capitalism is the exploitqtion of other peoples labor and ideas.

Communism only works on a micro level, of villages of less than 200 people or so. With any more than that you get anonymity and some people will start to cheat the system to their own advantage.

The best system, in my opinion is Democratic Socialism, as practiced in several countries in Europe You can still improve your situation by working hard, yet employers aren't able to exploit their workers either.


He is correct about the evil the leftists are spreading. Racist rioting fascists: Suppressing the rights of those who oppose their completely illegal grabs of power. "Do what we say or we will hurt you, cancel you, burn you,....

JacarC Level 8 July 24, 2020
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