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Republican men try to date me, a Democrat. Dead giveaways.

"If you are a Trump supporter, hit the back button NOW," I wrote in my dating profile.

To meet me, Republicans hide their beliefs. Tell-tale giveaways:

"I"m not political."

"I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative."

" I'm not political, but have to cast a vote for who is best for my stock portfolio."

"Please don't cancel me Kathleen!"

"Your pictures are enough to make me change my vote."

"COVID-19 is just another flu."

What are other signs a person is a Republican?

LiterateHiker 9 July 22

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sometimes you can see them in the grocery store wearing Bermuda shorts and dress shoes with no socks.


I ask outright: who did you vote for in the last election?
If they say: why? There’s a sign.
‘Constitutional conservative’...Tea Party Republican


Seems if someone starts off with politics one has to be especially wary.


I avoid the religious right and Republican Assholes

bobwjr Level 10 July 22, 2020

I agree with “I’m not political” — which tends to mean they’re right-wing. I think they say that to get the date ... as if you’ll never find out. Doh!

Yup, I've run into that.


In a discussion of any issue, need to be right rather than seek the right answer. Strongly correlates with a lesser intellect, though not always. Also the personality type that values order over justice.

"Needing to be right rather than find the right answer" correlates with everyone, regardless of politics. It's human behavior.

I read of a study in which a number of educated people were asked to analyze several problems using statistics (multiple choice). Everyone in the study tended to come up with the same answers, until the questions about the effectiveness of gun control. Liberals and conservatives then gave different answers, based on the same statistics, once the question involved their political beliefs. (No, I don't know what the statistics were or what the question was, that's not the point.)

@Paul4747 Agreed, in the sense that all people have cognitive biases, and there are plenty of left-wing whackos. Nonetheless, people who self-identify as conservative are more likely to have less intellectual horsepower (on average) than those who identify as liberal. And the "I need to be right" mindset is more common among the less capable.


Fat, white, wearing a MAGA hat and calling you a liberal, communist, or dumbocrat. I get it all down here in Texass! I just flip🖕them off anymore!

They like saying "libtard," too. 🙄

@BestWithoutGods yes, that one has come my way down here too! 🤣

@BestWithoutGods All. The. Time.


they do that thing mansplaing about how the pandemic is a hoax and Obama was an idiot, then launch into how the "documentary" they saw where the fella in a camo shirt proved Bigfoot is real.


Signs a person may be Republican:
MAGA hat
Confederate flag
White supremacy
Wears a cross
No mask
Quotes Fox News
Ignorant as can be


What are other signs a person is a Republican?

Lying.. Stupidity.. Religious.. Bonehead.. Shall I go on?


Currently many of them are embarrassed to be affiliated with the current administration. Silence about political affairs now speak loudly to me.

Unity Level 8 July 22, 2020

Some of those who supported Trump and are now unwilling to admit it, will say, “I just wish we could all just get along.” A true indication as to where their loyalties lie!


The republican gentleman showed sweetness, very attentive, and respectful. But everything went bad when he opened his mouth to express his admiration for Trump and to be in favor of the wall against Mexico. Oh well I will keep waiting for the right gentlemen. 🙂


I've never had a woman use deception in an attempt to meet me. When they play the "Republican" card it's part of their reasons for NOT interacting with me. I have never had one try to hide her politics.

There are coded messages in many profiles, like photos of women holding guns - and they complain about men holding fish.


I am socially liberal and fiscally conservative, but very much not a Republican. In a big part because of their pandering to the religious vote.

I am tired of labels preventing people having honest dialog, so I am much less political because I think its getting harder and harder to push through emotions to reason.

I would never change a vote over a picture.

I would never date someone who thought they should dictate my vote. Feel free to persuade me, but at the end of the day, it is my choice.

I agree with what you say. Yet in her defense, I don’t think she’s trying to dictate her partner’s vote — she’s trying to find a partner who’s already aligned with her.

@Apunzelle yeah.. she does not seem like the dictate type. Was not meant to be a personal attack..


whining with bravado. "my pacifier is broken dammit"


The last get acquainted coffee I had, he said, "You're pretty opinionated, aren't you?" Oh, honey...

Deb57 Level 8 July 23, 2020

The ones that attempt to tell me that I just don't understand or know all the reasons to not be liberal and I start pulling out real studies and facts....then they magically disappear or try to state that I'm wrong and bring up an obviously biased site. Which results in my pulling up a results....

and I'm an accountant. I understand the numbers better than they do


Nowadays, the dead giveaway signs are those who are covid-19 deniers, anti-maskers, against testing, or are obviously racist by the way they talk about or treat others of different races. Also if they dis the democratic leadership of our local region.


You're right. Yesterday I met Mr. "I vote to protect my stocks." We did an outdoor yoga class beside the Columbia River in a park under high trees. Loved it! Then we began walking toward a restaurant to get takeout for dinner.

He kept walking too close, so I put on a mask. With no mask, he could not go into a restaurant to order takeout food.

"It's just another flu," he said. "I figure because I'm in such good shape, it won't affect me much."

"That's crazy," I replied, appalled. "You sound like a Republican. Trump calls COVID-19 the Chinese Flu. You are in denial. I don't want to be around you."

I turned around and quickly walked back to my car. Later I sent him links from NBC on new discoveries about COVID-19:

  1. COVID-19 can permanently damage your heart, brain, nerves, lungs, kidneys, skin and other organs.

  2. Autopsies of COVID-19 patients showed blood clots in every organ.

  3. Sixty percent of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients had permanent lung damage that showed on MRIs.

@LiterateHiker You were wise to take your leave. Being in good shape doesn't prevent a person from contracting covid-19.

I'm in pretty good shape, very healthy for my age, yet after prolonged close exposure to someone sick with what might have been covid, I got sick with what I believe was covid for 2 months, really knocked me out, was so sick, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

This was before testing was available, and I've fully recovered, but I and I worry about lasting effects.


When "your" back is turned , they tell offensive race/ethnic jokes so offensive I want to leave the country. I let 'em know!
Their hair is as thin as their skin.
They don't like cats. ( need to control)
Their lawn is more important than people or animals.
They think "science" is their opinion.
They only read one book. (& you know what that book is)
They use insecticide to kill anything with an exoskeleton.
They call yellow jackets "bees"
Republicans like to dress in camouflage attire tho they are on urban streets.
They believe kneeling is offensive
Burning a flag is more offensive than burning people
Republicans eat the corn husk on tamales
They think one can be a nazi & an American
Women should remain barefoot & in the kitchen
Men should be permitted to beat their spouse, but only twice a day.
Dressing the part is more important than being the part
They enjoy firing projectiles into endangered species in Africa
They believe 2 cells equals a human
They believe the failed drug war can't be ended lest we lose all of the jobs it created
If "Redskins" is not offensive then neither is "yellow skins".
That the history we were taught in school was correct.
That Confederate Statues of TRAITORS have import but reparations to those denied access to opportunities is unjust.
They eat raw meat sandwiches in Aruba, then complain about the horrible conditions at the emergency room.
This my friends, are examples of actual Republicans I have known thru no choice of my own.
No wonder I don't engage outside of


I don’t want to wear a mask

I don't know anybody who does. Masks suck. But even more I don't want to transmit a virus, so I suck it up and wear one when I go places.

@Deb57 exactly!!!!!!


On dating sites, I make no attempt to hide my views. I include at the end " Trump fans, homophobes, and other bigots. Please leave the premises...I WILL let the dogs loose !!!"
Now, I can't be certain, but I'm pretty sure that I haven't been remotely vague about my outlook on life or the type of people I choose to associate with. You would be surprised how many closeted ultra right wingers who have contacted me. One , it took three dates for the true colours to shine through.
Some of these people can ( pretend to ) be fun and charming, but once they loosen up, the hate speach and Trump ruminant begins to slither out.
Crucifixes, things with flags on them, pictures with groups of people dressed like they are at an evangelical gathering and golf clothes all good warning signs.


I used to wear a mask years ago for various lung sensitivities. They laughed at me. Called me weird & other less complimentary names. Different kinds of "___ "lover.
I am used to being laughed at for being so very ahead of my time, but my regret is I can't gloat, brag & sneer in their faces as they are all dead or dying due to their Republican lifestyle of eating brown & white food, smoking tobacco but anti- cannabis, drinking martinis while mocking hydration.

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