My wife went back to teach this morning. The school opens with distance learning, but teachers must work from school.
I ordered masks and a UVC lamp to sterilize them, and may get a HEPA filter to put in her room, if one is needed. If they bring students back into classrooms, a HEPA filter is essential, and maybe otherwise.We are both over 70, and have a healthy fear of Covid. She has remarkably strong immune system and we take all recommended precautions. She has three months of unused vacation and can retire if desirable. In fact i argued she should retire instead of teach another year.
She should retire!! You will not believe how much money you will save, and TIME is priceless!
No Way I would let a loved one go into a school building right now, not for one moment!
ATM there are no students, only a teacher per room. If that changer, I'll renew my desire for her to retire. However, we are equals, and she is smart. We listen to each other, and make our own decisions. That's worked for 35 years, and I trust it will in the future.
Best of luck to her! This is an on going plight to keep the virus at bay. You might pass on to her, that gargling with antiseptic mouth wash has proven to curb the virus. And some of my friends are using Vicks Vapor Rub in their nose. Anything to dilute the virus.
TY for the tips. ATM she is alone in her room.