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LINK Gun Enthusiasts Celebrate Man Who Shot Himself in the Balls as Their King

Taking the Darwin Awards in a whole new direction...
Gun fondlers have been posting pictures of themselves bravely pointing their weapons at their junk and the inevitable happened.
A moron actually shot himself in the balls!

I thought it must have been satire at first but seems to have a reputation as a real news source -- sorry if they fooled me.

RichCC 8 Aug 14

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I prefer men sans those things anyway. =0}


The hospital would not discharge a gunshot victim without the police involved.


Be a real man, use a ten gauge shotgun.

I'm trying to picture that -- at least the the beforehand. Ha, ha.🙂
I guess you could prop up the long gun to get the muzzle in the right place but the image wouldn't be as manly if you couldn't have your hand on the trigger.🙂

I had an uncle years ago who thought of himself as a big tough guy. He liked to shoot skeet with a 10 gauge.
Boy. That would make a mess if you got shot with it.


we any luck he hasn't fathered any children before his accident. One Darwin is enough.

My thoughts exactly!


I think they should pay their king the highest honor by emulating him!

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