How long have you been single?
I havent really had a substantial relationship for the past 5 years..I was in the Navy until August and after a couple of attempts I realized singledom was best for the time being...Now that I'm out it's difficult getting back into the swing of things..Especially since I've just moved to a new area.
It depends on how you measure it. I've been divorced for 3 years, but it's been 16 years since I had a sexual relationship.
Well I'm 22, so... 21 years collectively? I tend not to do well with others my age, and that's meant I don't have many relationships, haha. I've always hung out with an older crowd.
A few years now, but I find single life has it's rewards.
I haven't been in a serious relationship for about 11 years now. It would be nice to have someone to share my life with but I am not willing to settle for the sake of it. I am good in my own company and will wait for the right person.
It'll be 2 years and 3 month on Wednesday! I think I'll keep it that way for a while
My last divorce was 20 years ago. I was in a 10 year relationship without marriage after that. That ended 9 years ago. So I guess I've been single for 9 years.
Thank you kind sir
If you have the ability to passionately create, pursue an artistic talent such as playing a musical instrument, give freely to others then you will never be single because your brain will not have time to realise it.
An interesting read for you, if you have not already read it @StilInterested, is IMO #MagicPudding.
I have lived alone for 18 years. I am a difficult person to live with and do not compromise anymore.