A friend gave me this woman's number and said to call her and ask her out.
I'm going to do do it, how to I make this easy?
I did get a description of her, and saw her FB.
Don't know if the woman knows who I am, but I am sure my friend would not have given me her number if she had not asked her first.
I want to meet in person for like coffee or something.
Should I just introduce myself over the phone and ask her out to coffee.
Or talk for a little bit before that? what should we talk about?
So I'm definitely overthinking this, but I only just got the number so there is rush to call.
It is not a life-time commitment, ya KNOW. it's a coffee meeting.......be free to be you, give her space to be herself, relax, enjoy!
Call her up and, just have fun with it. Be honest. Be yourself. See where it leads. You may end up on the phone for two hours or ten minutes. I encourage a face-to-face. I make it a low stress, low risk meet. I suggest we both meet for one hour maximum, no matter how much you get along at that initial meeting. Then after the first date either person can follow up for a second meet or not. Low stress. Clear expectations.
ok so i gotta say, its kinda sweet 2 see that the fellows can sometimes be just as nervous as the ladies. i mean i expected as much but until now had never found any proof. i answer 2 your question, do what feels right for you, if you feel you would do better getting the asking part out of the way first, do that, then maybe chat for a bit. if you want 2 say something like hey, so and so gave me your number and said we would get along, im always interested in meeting new people and if you are up for it, maybe we could get 2 know each other a bit. then maybe work in asking her on an official date somewhere farther in2 the conversation. and as far as topics go, pick a few things you are good with then try 2 get a feel for what interests her
I'd call your friend and ask pertinent questioons. Then you can make plans to call depending on his answers.
Be yourself
Ask for what you want
Use your head:
You can't go wrong. If you do the above and she's put off in any way, she's not for you.
Hmmm Want to try it out on me first as a dry run first? Lololol